Friday, January 4, 2013

One of our favourite Christmas traditions-Breakfast with the Stewarts!

Cassie will be a reader, rest assured!

she's very advanced!

banana cupcake made by Chacha-yum!

Lindsay is in the spirit with a gorgeous set of antlers

Charlotte and Sammy

Jake continues the tradition by wearing his pj's

the family group

Sam loved the puppy

Sam reads a story to the dogs!

settle down boys!

"the two dogs saved the day...."

The End!!


the dynamic duo

Smile Jake, I have a draw four!

How to die in the outdoors!

Lindsay and Molly

GOD is Good, look at these kids!!!

Sam gives Cassie a quick dance lesson

Charlotte introduces Lindsay to her dog(note his festive Christmas bandana!)

Jake, home safe and sound, spending Christmas eve with the family and his baby girl! LIG!
Doesn't everyone join with their friends on Christmas Eve to play UNO?! Our wonderful tradition began years ago on Fairway Trails when the Stewart Family would come down the street in their PJ's to have breakfast and exchange gifts. If you know our Molly, you know how much she loves UNO, so we would have a tourney between food and gifts. Now that we have moved three miles away, the Stewarts usually arrive in clothes, but the spirit remains the same! This year, with both girls living out of state and having so many commitments when they come home, we felt especially thrilled that we could still host this gathering. Russ and Lindsay are as cute as always, darling, young and in love, and Samantha looked so relaxed and beautiful, New York and teaching obviously really agree with her. And we had all our kids this year, Jake was able to join us,and having him in the US, at our table, instead of in Afghanistan, we are so blessed! The menu was a chocolate coffee cake with nuts and raisins, an oven basked ham/egg casserole and fresh baked gingerbread biscotti. And coffee, LOTS of coffee! The UNO games were fierce, and in a stunning turn of events, the Stewarts took two games...Hinckas will look for payback next Christmas! We are so blessed to have "family" to spend time with at this special time of year!

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