Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013!  Hooray!
I love the New Year, lots of fresh ideas and optimistic thoughts. I love how magazines assure me that I can "Be Organized!" and "Shape Up easily!" and I believe them. It just seems so hopeful doesn't it? I always make resolutions on 12/31, in fact, I make them almost every night of the year!
Be more patient, Give only LOVE, floss my teeth, bring coupons when I go to the store, write notes to people on the cute note cards I compulsively buy but don't use, and of course, BLOG!
How embarrassing to realize that I completely skipped Christmas on here, good gracious! Of course I did throw a big party, have the baby sleep over a couple of nights, have a brunch, have my son and his family over, wrap all the Christmas presents,shovel the big snowfall,and travel to NJ to visit with Donnie and Catherine, stay and hang out with Sooz and the gang, and zoom down the shore to visit with Mom for a few days...PHEW! Be that as it may, I do need to catch up with my blogging.
I wish you all a Happy New Year, May all your dreams and prayers be answered. If I can be of any service in any way this year--let me know, I am available!
My 2013 goals-
run a half marathon and cheer on Molly as she goes for her marathon
use my passport!
Purge (and I dont' mean a juice fast!)
Sit on the sunporch
Help Danny to train Harry
research and start a trust for the girls and maybe a non profit
increase the daily mass attendance

and since I set goals nightly, there is No Pressure to get them all down! Love it!
Happy New Year Friends, I love You!
Tonight’s December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
The clock is crouching, dark and small,
Like a time bomb in the hall.
Hark, it's midnight, children dear.
Duck! Here comes another year!

Ogden Nash

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