Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Auto Show

Well Jerry and Danny convinced me to jump in with the boys and head down to the auto show last Friday. What fun! All those sparkly cars with gorgeous exteriors and amazing features...it makes you want a new one! Luckily we attended with Ed Bedner, the smartest car guy on the planet, he sets the record straight on all the vehicles. I liked a Volvo and Ed let me know that the model was 8 years old, so it had been designed 11 years ago and the technology is very outdated. "But I like it Ed" I say plaintively..."Just walk away" Ed sternly advises. He also took the time to explain all kinds of neat technical details about wheels, braking systems,etc. Matt came down to the show too, he is studying engineering like his Dad, but when I asked if he wanted to work in the car industry he said No Way! He is studying civil engineering and is interested in water systems! Danny,Matt and Ed rode in a cool race car simulator and of course we all sat in plenty of cars. Jerry and I headed home to let out the puppy and Danny tagged along with the Bedner men as they rode the People Mover and visited the RenCen. Cool side note:the Tigers caravan was visiting the RenCen too and Danny saw Justin Verlander, Miguel Cabrera and many other players. Just don't tell Molly, she'll be mad she wasn't there!

Jerry and Danny check out a race car

Danny behind the wheel?! uh oh!

Now this car looks great on him, don't you agree?

Ed reviews some data with Danny

love those wheels

Matt and Danny ready to cruise

studying the engines

I love this concept car-totally gas free!

remember the gull wing doors? They're baaaack!

another electric

Danny is large and in charge

Thursday, January 24, 2013

This week has flown by! With a day off on Monday and a day off for Danny tomorrow, we have basically arrived at this weekend when we just left last weekend.  Though I am not complaining! I love the weekends. Only downside is No Cassie. We were hoping to snag her again for a few days, but so far no luck. Danny was busy this week with the end of the marking period blast of homework, but he made it through. He also managed to squeeze in taekwando and couple of times,random bits of dog training, a little backyard football on the Wii and dinner at his friend Jack's house. The girls both worked at their job trials, Charlotte cleaning tables at the food court out at the outlet mall, and Molly helping at the senior care facility. They both ran every day too. Charlotte took herself off to the movies this afternoon, Le Miz, and loved it. Molly went to the U of M game tonight with Jerry and had a ball. Michigan won and Molly was so happy. She ran down to the floor and even got a high five from her favourite player Trey Burke. I am posting the video Jerry took, look to the upper center, Mol is in her purple coat, and after he finishes his TV interview he heads to the tunnel and hits Molly on the way to the locker room. Jerry said she was screaming so loud!! As for me, I just did the Mom thing--didn't paint or renovate, just walked to school, walked the dog, made the dinners, the stuff that blog posts are not made of!

Final score 67-53!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Puppy and Baby and traveling husband, OH MY!

Cassie sleeps through the night, but Harry does not :(
This week he seems to have some tummy trouble that is causing him to wake up at night desperate to go outside. Once there,we hang around a lot on the front lawn, waiting for "a movement!" In the frigid clear night air, the constellations look close enough to touch, and I have tried to appreciate them and GODS magnificence and not focus on how cold I am...and tired!
2 or 3 times between 11:30 and 6 I am down the stairs,open the crate,grab the leash,zoom him outside,shiver,drag him reluctantly past the tantalizing mulch wood chips and in the door, run into the kitchen, escort him to his "room", close the door,shuffle up the stairs, crawl quietly into bed so I don't wake up my roommate Cassie, and burrow into the pillow,and try to hurry back to sleep!
Cassie's tummy is just fine thank you and the mere mention of eating sends her bolting to her high chair. Harry immediately crouches down under her chair, waiting for the manna to rain down from heaven. Cassie points to her little built in cup holder, that means "put some cheerios in here NOW!"
She then eagerly picks up her spoon and fork and gets ready..favourite fruits are pears,mandarin oranges,bananas and grapes, veggies-carrots,green beans,corn, eggs,waffles,sausages,pasta,you name it, she will happily eat it! And sign for more! She ate three bowls of Italian  macaroni and cheese the other night. We tell Harry not to bug her, but when we turn around she is leaning out of the chair and holding out a tasty morsel to him!
They are the same way with her toys. Harry is teething and likes nothing better than a hard plastic animal from the Little People Zoo to gnaw on. I constantly chase him down, take away Zookeeper Zac or the rhinoceros and substitute is teething bone or stuffed moose. But then when I turn around, Cass is crouching down in front of him trying to stuff the elephant in past his teeth! Oh good gracious!
Throw in the middle aged man-dog Buddy and his prostate issues, which add long minutes to his toilette each day and the fact that he can't hear you call him, and often runs to the wrong house and then wonders why he can't get in...(as I run down our lawn,hopping the minefields of shit, yelling, No Buddy, we live over here, TURN AROUND!)
And the final piece, the traveling husband, who at least knows not to call in the evening and let me know what tasty restaurant meal he just consumed or how his workout went. "Did you shower today?" I query pathetically, " I'll bet that felt good...."

But you know what? God made pups and babes so stinkin cute that you actually forget how tired you are. When they are curled up on you, or near you, what a warm moment of peace! (although Harry is not allowed to sit on my lap, Cassie will run over and push him off is he dares try!)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Law Enforcement Torch Run Banquet

Thursday evening, 7pm

This evening we had the opportunity to speak to police and corrections officers from all over the state as they gathered in Mount Pleasant for a conference. The LETR program in Michigan raises over One Million dollars per year for Special Olympics! There are programs all over the state that involve prison officers, local police and sheriffs departments and the state police. An officer from Michigan even ran the torch into Athens on its final leg to the lighting ceremony at the World Games...and we were there!
At its most basic level, the Torch Run is a running event in which officers and athletes carry the Flame of Hope to the Opening Ceremony of local Special Olympics competitions, state/provincial Games, and National Summer or Winter Games. Every two years, law enforcement officers from around the world gather to carry the Flame of Hope in a Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg in honor of the Special Olympics World Summer or World Winter Games.
At its most fully developed, the Torch Run initiative encompasses a variety of fundraising vehicles in addition to the Torch Run itself. Torch Run fundraising includes T-shirt and merchandise sales, donations or pledges for runners in the Torch Run, corporate donations, special events such as Polar Plunges, golf tournaments or other events that have local appeal.
The cool thing to me is how this is such a community based program, started by a police officer in Wichita, Kansas in 1981, and one which delivers the awesome message of Special Olympics to many areas which otherwise might not be reached. I also think it has a positive impact on the way police might deal with people with ID who might be in need of help or understanding from law enforcement.
Molly rocked her speech and  Danny and I spoke also. Our power point, which includes Molly's commercial and the World games music video seemed very well received. When we were done, the state head of the LETR took the stage and thanked Molly for reminding the group in such a personal way of why they do what they do. After the program concluded with awards for many officers we had the opportunity to mingle a bit and hear some great stories of folks involvement. Many of the people complimented Danny on his great speech and poise in front of the large crowd.
We were also presented with the first 2013 LETR shirts and they are SWEET! Look for more news in September when Molly takes a team up on their invitation to  join them on one of their runs!
Danny accompanies Molly as she introduces the MC. She also gave the invocation!

Scott Langum, 2nd in command at the Traverse City Coast Guard Station was the keynote speaker.
He invited the kids up to check out the helicopters anytime! How cool!

Michelle Dunaway, channel 9/10 and Fox 32 news

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Eating the inventory

Jerry read in one of his financial magazines that one of the best ways to start off 2013 is by saving money...Now I think he could have figured that one out for himself, don't you! But they did list a couple of things we are trying already, such as grooming your dog at home (poor Buddy!) and only buying used cars (Jer loves the big truck--found out it has an automatic starter--it works from the kitchen door!) and the big one for us...Eat The Inventory! Between the big pantry, Costco and transporting sweet red peppers and clam sauce across state lines (Jersey does it better, what can I say?) we have way to much food in the house. So we made a pledge to try not to grocery shop in the month of January. Now we know we will have to buy milk and fresh produce, but so far the only grocery item we have bought is a case of green beans, because Cassie is in the house.  We made pizzas on Saturday with crusts from the pantry and loads of stray toppings floating around the fridge. And today Cassie and I made cookies with some steel cut oats I found in the cereal section. We broke out the apron I got her for Christmas and I hope it gets alot of use in the next few years! I will let you know how we do with our January project and if I invite you for dinner, BEWARE!
the pizza team

kitchen sink pizza make you have stremph!

before baking

after baking and ready to eat

beware of flying pepperoni when Djadja and Uncle Danny are in the kitchen

my first time making cookies with Cookie!

I like to stir

tasting the batter, it's yummy!

my cookies are AWESOME!

Harry hopes I drop some crumbs, but I am eating them all!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hincka Hill is open!

Yay! Enough snow so that we can start sledding down the hill on the side of the house. After all, there has to be a payoff for having a spot that is so steep you practically fly behind the mower when you are cutting the lawn. So grab your sled,saucer or zipfi and come on over! Free hot chocolate with every admission :)

Danny takes the 2013 inaugural run

he's down....

and Harry comes tumbling after!

Jack's sled shows up....

and Jack joins it! he makes a grab...

but shoots past!

the groomer comes out to tend to the slopes

First comes the dog....

then nobody....

here come the boys

Boy did Harry sleep good Friday night!