Thursday, September 13, 2012

week two of back to school- overwhelming!

Everyone is feeling the pain of a full week schedule and we are so happy tomorrow is Friday! Danny has been enjoying school but is overwhelmed with the size of the school and the length of the day. It is a lot to adjust to and he seesaws between happy and sad. On the positive side, I met both his teachers at Back-to-school night tonight, and they are wonderful! Thank you Lord! They both have masters in things like mid-level education and math, live in the community, have kids, and seem to be enthusiastic. They have both been at Maltby for 13 years and love it. I am very excited for Danny, I know they will be way better than his teacher was last year :)

The girls are attending their classes though I have not been able to figure out what they are studying...
Sample conversation-
Mom-"What class did you have today?"
Girls-"Accessing the community"  they say this every day!
M-"oh, sounds interesting. What did you learn?"
G-"how to access the community"
M-"okay, what does that mean, what did you talk about?"
G-"we talked about....uh,the community and ....uh, how to access it"

Good heavens! But it does make you wonder about the course carry over into their lives outside of school. I hope to see some growth this year. We shall see and I'll keep you posted!

Jerry and I did the green thing and rode our bikes to school this evening. I love riding Roxy, I am up so high and I feel like a Queen! Sometimes I do the princess wave at cars as I glide along! People often wave back though they look confused!

So Happy Almost Weekend and I hope yours is a great one!

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