Sunday, September 16, 2012

Look who's ONE!! Happy Birthday Cassandra Weekend

We had the joy of having Cassandra with us this weekend and we were able to celebrate her first birthday! What a special treat. I picked her up on Friday at lunch time and we made a quick stop at Toys R Us to grab a birthday gift...I told her not to peek! She seemed to remember the house and was happy to see her music table. She immediately played her favourite tune and looked at me to start dancing...of course I did! Jerry and the girls headed to Wixom to cheer on the Shamrocks--it was free t-shirt night which thrilled the girls. Danny and I did grocery and present shopping around town inadvertently left the dog outside after I took him and Cassandra outside to enjoy the sunshine. How could I do this? I have NO IDEA! We didn't even notice the little 8 pounder was missing until Charlotte came home and wanted to go to bed at 9pm. Jerry set out to search in the car and I took a flashlight and the treat jar and searched the back forty. No luck. I was just sick and we were both afraid to say we were sure that he had been eaten by a coyote or fox. I started praying urgently to Saint Francis of Assisi to protect him and bring him home.  Saturday morning I phoned the info into Liv. County Animal Control and posted on the missing pet website. And we searched again, Jer biked all around our neighborhood and the three surround areas. Finally at 11am we got a call that someone had found him, and it turned out to be our neighbors two doors down, the crosscountry coach! And don't you know they are a nice catholic family--thanks St. Francis! He had wandered into their garage and they kept him warm and fed him catfood. I was so relieved. Now I could relax and enjoy Cassie's big day!
We had a lovely small party at the house, and we all enjoyed Cassandras demolition of her cake. It was made from scratch with applesauce so it was  healthy!? Regardless she loved it! She loved all the bags and wrapping paper much more than the presents contained inside, which Jerry's Mom always loved. "Just wrap a box" she would say, and of course she was right!
Cassandra walked from the family room to the fridge, WOW!
Danny and Jerry camped out in the back yard on Saturday night, chatting around the campfire and sleeping in the cool temps.
Sunday morning I made Chunky Monkey pancakes(chocolate chips,oatmeal and bananas!) and we went to mass. Coffee and donuts for our new deacon gave us time to visit with our church family. Father James and Father Karl both gave Cassandra a blessing for her birthday--it was beautiful and the best gift of all!
Later in the day the girls and I and Cassie worked at the Loaves and Fishes dinner. The diners loved Cassie and got a kick out of her walking.
A wonderful weekend of family and love--Blessings on Blessings!

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