Thursday, September 20, 2012

Storytime at BDL

Story time! Oh what fun we had! Cassandra and I dropped in on Miss Roseanne at the library this morning and joined Read to the Beat. We clapped,spun,wiggled,touched our knees and inky-dinky-doo'd! Cass seemed shocked by the number of kids and parents all acting silly, she couldn't stop looking around. Once she saw Roseanne she lit up and really let loose. Towards the end our group song was ItsyBitsy Spider, which Cassandra loves, and she made her spider and moved him around, COOL!  We also played in the Children's department and checked out new books. Cassandra does not like to sit long for a story so we are working on that. Just before bed she will sit because she is tired and so we cozy up and get a bit of reading in!
Enjoy the photos!

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