Sunday, September 30, 2012

Too tired to type?

Whether or not I have any readers, as a blogger I'm feeling guilty for my bad record of blog entry's this month. As always, I look for others to blame! Jerry traveling? Cassandra living here? School starting? Or me just being lazy?! Who knows! But I am aiming higher for the month if October...hopefully you will enjoy the updates as October moves in. Meanwhile I will post some photos from the last very busy week!
Uncle Danny keeps Cassandra smiling in her highchair

"I'm finished Cookie!"

"have you met my friend Monkey?"

He thinks my hat is pretty neat

"oops, I missed my head"

"there it is! I got this!"

"it looks good on you Monkey"

Keenan got my seat set up, but I DO NOT want to test it out!

It's fun to walk Uncle Danny to school each day

Chacha road her bike all the way to the library on her own! Wow! I hope someday I am as cool as her!

This little guy was crawling along, but when I touched him he curled up in a ball

he was fuzzy and cool!

Life is Good!

Aunt Molly reads to me every night

Look at silly Uncle Danny! It is spirit week at his school and today is Wackytacky day!


Every day one of my jobs is to tidy up the water bottles in the pantry

Uncle Danny told me "no eatie-no readie" so I ate all my grapes

and my macaroni and cheese, YUM!

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