Sunday, September 30, 2012

Too tired to type?

Whether or not I have any readers, as a blogger I'm feeling guilty for my bad record of blog entry's this month. As always, I look for others to blame! Jerry traveling? Cassandra living here? School starting? Or me just being lazy?! Who knows! But I am aiming higher for the month if October...hopefully you will enjoy the updates as October moves in. Meanwhile I will post some photos from the last very busy week!
Uncle Danny keeps Cassandra smiling in her highchair

"I'm finished Cookie!"

"have you met my friend Monkey?"

He thinks my hat is pretty neat

"oops, I missed my head"

"there it is! I got this!"

"it looks good on you Monkey"

Keenan got my seat set up, but I DO NOT want to test it out!

It's fun to walk Uncle Danny to school each day

Chacha road her bike all the way to the library on her own! Wow! I hope someday I am as cool as her!

This little guy was crawling along, but when I touched him he curled up in a ball

he was fuzzy and cool!

Life is Good!

Aunt Molly reads to me every night

Look at silly Uncle Danny! It is spirit week at his school and today is Wackytacky day!


Every day one of my jobs is to tidy up the water bottles in the pantry

Uncle Danny told me "no eatie-no readie" so I ate all my grapes

and my macaroni and cheese, YUM!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Storytime at BDL

Story time! Oh what fun we had! Cassandra and I dropped in on Miss Roseanne at the library this morning and joined Read to the Beat. We clapped,spun,wiggled,touched our knees and inky-dinky-doo'd! Cass seemed shocked by the number of kids and parents all acting silly, she couldn't stop looking around. Once she saw Roseanne she lit up and really let loose. Towards the end our group song was ItsyBitsy Spider, which Cassandra loves, and she made her spider and moved him around, COOL!  We also played in the Children's department and checked out new books. Cassandra does not like to sit long for a story so we are working on that. Just before bed she will sit because she is tired and so we cozy up and get a bit of reading in!
Enjoy the photos!

Little Miss Storytime

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Do you pick up when it says "Private Caller"? Maybe you should!!

So the phone, not Cassie's phone ("hello, the phone is ringing so we say HEEELLOOO, Goodbye, when you're done talking then you say Goodbye, GOOODBYYYE!") which we hear at least 182 times a day, but the house phone. I glance at the caller ID and it says Private Caller.
Hmm, bill collector? time share seller? charity group?? After 3 rings I decide to just answer it, and who do you think it is?
Martha Goode, Queen of the Universe! Calling in from Detroit to check on the Hincka girls and invite us to a party at Alternatives For Girls. This is the place that is blessed to have Martha ministering to the young ladies who are getting a fresh start for themselves and some well needed help and encouragement as they plot their futures. Wow! I look forward to visiting Martha and her gals, if not at this October bash, than another time soon.
But party invites aside, to talk to Martha is a joyful life affirming thing! She lifts you up so high you feel like you are touching heaven. She shares her joy with me, talks about how she is so blessed and I realize as she is talking, "hey, so am I, but do I show it?"  This is part of Martha's power--she is life changing even on the phone!
SO, the next time you see Private Caller on your caller ID, think about answering, you never know what you are meant to hear!
Martha Goode
Our Magnificent Martha, supporting Charlotte and other St. Pats kids by attending the HS. musical

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Look who's ONE!! Happy Birthday Cassandra Weekend

We had the joy of having Cassandra with us this weekend and we were able to celebrate her first birthday! What a special treat. I picked her up on Friday at lunch time and we made a quick stop at Toys R Us to grab a birthday gift...I told her not to peek! She seemed to remember the house and was happy to see her music table. She immediately played her favourite tune and looked at me to start dancing...of course I did! Jerry and the girls headed to Wixom to cheer on the Shamrocks--it was free t-shirt night which thrilled the girls. Danny and I did grocery and present shopping around town inadvertently left the dog outside after I took him and Cassandra outside to enjoy the sunshine. How could I do this? I have NO IDEA! We didn't even notice the little 8 pounder was missing until Charlotte came home and wanted to go to bed at 9pm. Jerry set out to search in the car and I took a flashlight and the treat jar and searched the back forty. No luck. I was just sick and we were both afraid to say we were sure that he had been eaten by a coyote or fox. I started praying urgently to Saint Francis of Assisi to protect him and bring him home.  Saturday morning I phoned the info into Liv. County Animal Control and posted on the missing pet website. And we searched again, Jer biked all around our neighborhood and the three surround areas. Finally at 11am we got a call that someone had found him, and it turned out to be our neighbors two doors down, the crosscountry coach! And don't you know they are a nice catholic family--thanks St. Francis! He had wandered into their garage and they kept him warm and fed him catfood. I was so relieved. Now I could relax and enjoy Cassie's big day!
We had a lovely small party at the house, and we all enjoyed Cassandras demolition of her cake. It was made from scratch with applesauce so it was  healthy!? Regardless she loved it! She loved all the bags and wrapping paper much more than the presents contained inside, which Jerry's Mom always loved. "Just wrap a box" she would say, and of course she was right!
Cassandra walked from the family room to the fridge, WOW!
Danny and Jerry camped out in the back yard on Saturday night, chatting around the campfire and sleeping in the cool temps.
Sunday morning I made Chunky Monkey pancakes(chocolate chips,oatmeal and bananas!) and we went to mass. Coffee and donuts for our new deacon gave us time to visit with our church family. Father James and Father Karl both gave Cassandra a blessing for her birthday--it was beautiful and the best gift of all!
Later in the day the girls and I and Cassie worked at the Loaves and Fishes dinner. The diners loved Cassie and got a kick out of her walking.
A wonderful weekend of family and love--Blessings on Blessings!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

week two of back to school- overwhelming!

Everyone is feeling the pain of a full week schedule and we are so happy tomorrow is Friday! Danny has been enjoying school but is overwhelmed with the size of the school and the length of the day. It is a lot to adjust to and he seesaws between happy and sad. On the positive side, I met both his teachers at Back-to-school night tonight, and they are wonderful! Thank you Lord! They both have masters in things like mid-level education and math, live in the community, have kids, and seem to be enthusiastic. They have both been at Maltby for 13 years and love it. I am very excited for Danny, I know they will be way better than his teacher was last year :)

The girls are attending their classes though I have not been able to figure out what they are studying...
Sample conversation-
Mom-"What class did you have today?"
Girls-"Accessing the community"  they say this every day!
M-"oh, sounds interesting. What did you learn?"
G-"how to access the community"
M-"okay, what does that mean, what did you talk about?"
G-"we talked about....uh,the community and ....uh, how to access it"

Good heavens! But it does make you wonder about the course carry over into their lives outside of school. I hope to see some growth this year. We shall see and I'll keep you posted!

Jerry and I did the green thing and rode our bikes to school this evening. I love riding Roxy, I am up so high and I feel like a Queen! Sometimes I do the princess wave at cars as I glide along! People often wave back though they look confused!

So Happy Almost Weekend and I hope yours is a great one!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Background changes to reflect my next focus!

Well we knew it had to end sometime...
I dropped Cassandra off with her Mom and Granabelle in Dearborn Hgts this morning around 11:30.  She showed off her great standing and took some steps, to the delight of hr audience! Cammy will continue her karaoke career and Bella will babysit until the family heads to New York State October 20th. We may get another visit soon when Bella returns to Florida for another few days. Cassandra can come to stay anytime, she was just a doll. The kids miss her and so do Jerry and I! When I walked to school this afternoon to meet Danny I didn't have anyone to talk to and I missed that. It is hard to adjust to, I really have alot of baby love to give and I wonder what GOD has planned for me with this. Time will tell I guess!
The kids all survived the first week of school and topped it off with the Brighton HS home football opener. For the first time in a long time BHS was beaten by Pickney, but our family was there for the marching band anyway! Jack Wisbiski joined his sister Alex in the 80's inspired show and did an awesome job! How was your first school week? I hope it was good!
So as I said about the background, it signifies chore time at Princeton Court. With no job, I have given myself a job here, get organized! I am inspired by our book club book, The Happiness Project. I will share more later but the first chapter is energy and organization. I guess I have to start sleeping more as well, but that remains to be seen :)
Cassie starts on a kitchen cupboard to get me inspired!

Cookie, you could totally use my help around here!

Molly's Closet?? Oh my. I don't know if I'm ready for that!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Messy Baby!

oh what fun watching a baby learn to eat! So far Cassandra hasn't spit out anything(as you can probably tell be looking at her!) and she is loving exploring different textures, colours and smells. She does this by applying the food to her hands,eyes and nose! Bananas,blueberries,melon, bagels,muffins,waffles,oatmeal,grapes, and of course meatballs!
She is leaving tomorrow to go back home and we hope that she has enjoyed her "summer vacation" with her Hincka Family.

Playing outside

My Aunts and Uncle went to school and I couldn't go!

I think this grass feels a bit odd

I tried to eat some but Cookie wouldn't let me :(

Buddy and I were on all fours exploring the yard

time for my close up!

and my close up too!

this is a smile!

enough pictures cook, no more!

Giant Baby!

I played with Cookie all day! She took me for a walk with Shawne and I took my morning nap in my stroller. I swam in my pool,did alot of dancing and visited the library again! I love the beads there.Cookie and Uncle Danny set up my crib so now I can stretch out! That pack and play feels like I;m camping out. I am even using my Daddy;s crib blanket-cool! Have a good school week everybody!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School --Tuesday

The girls are SO excited!

Molly wears a new outfit, Charlotte carrys her special bag!

Danny is ready to head off

Jerry does a ride along

and he's off...I will miss him!

Good thing I had someone else to keep me busy!

the shorts say CUTE on the dupa!

walking to Cookie!

Well the summer had to come to an end and it did. The alarms went off at 6:30, tarts were popped, cereal poured, lunchboxes loaded into backpacks and teeth brushed. The girls are both at the Howell Campus this year so they ride the same bus. The program is structured to resemble a community college. They have signed up for classes like Work Skills 101, that will teach them universal job skills. They seem excited to join this new program.
Danny is happy that he can ride his bike to school every day and Jerry joined him He likes his teaching team has a well located locker. He got home and so did I! We signed papers,went over things, then he did his assignment and I did mine. I had to write a note to the teachers saying what I liked about Danny and how swell he is. This is a big adjustment for him and I hope he can get through this week.