Sunday, October 18, 2015

50+ and Forward!

And we're off on another year! Celebrating my birthday today with my little family and with loads of good wishes from far flung friends and family. It does make a girl feel blessed! We shared a weekend of volleyball games, play rehearsal, religious education teaching and church. Jerry and I went to a Young Life adult October fest party last night filled with good food (my apple pear crisp was a hit) and our favourite new friends from the Saint Johns community. My goodness the expats are friendly. We feel so embraced in such a short time--awesome! And this afternoon we had a lovely carrot cake and coffee afternoon visit with the Fosse Family, our friends from Norway. Else runs with us and comes to Bible study, Peder is one of Danny's best mates, and husband Ingva and 6th grader Maria round out the family group. They live just round the corner from us. Jerry enjoyed viewing the end of the Michigan game(ok, he didn't enjoy it! You know what I mean!) with Ingva and explaining some of the subtleties of American football. Turns out Ingva is a fan! Finished up my weekend with lovely thoughtful cards and presents, and the Autumn special on CountyFile....truly what could be better?! I decided last year that I am just going to claim 50 as an age for as long as I can pull it off....let me know when it becomes painfully obvious I am older than that will you? Thanks!

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