Monday, October 19, 2015

Waterloo Running Mums!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, rain or shine, cold and wet (after all, this is Belgium!) or sunny and dry, our amazing group is out pouring the streets and fields of this fair city! We meet at the back school parking lot, arriving on foot, by bike and by car and stretch and greet each other. At approximately 8:35 we are on our way usually a 10K on M-F and a shorter 5K road run on Wed. We talk about our kids, our weekend plans, our trips, our husbands jobs, the quirkiness of Belgium and the great new sushi place. In other words, LIFE! we are there for each other and support each other and hold each other accountable for the run. Wow! I joined this group last January for Molly and Charlotte, so they could meet some people. I always thought I preferred running alone. Well I guess that was because I never had a real group before! I am hooked on the encouragement and positive ness our gals give each other. This morning some of us went out to Paul, a great boulangerie, to celebrate my birthday! I got a little gift and a great cup of coffee, but the greatest gift of all are these women! Feeling blessed!
This one includes Jen, on far right
Else, Molly, me, Charlotte and Colleen

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