Saturday, May 9, 2015

18/4/2015. Dinner with new friends!

We were invited to join three other families for a Saturday night dinner party! Our friends Bob and Kathy Foster, and their daughter Anna, a junior, were the hosts. they hail from Minnesota by way of 5 other places, and their older son is in college in Iowa. They have a cute dog, which we get to walk when they go out of town, goes by the name Cashus Clay! Hilarious! Janna and her husband Don are from Oklahoma, and they have two girls Miranda, a sophomore, and Maddy, in grade 5. Janna is in charge of the sports booster club and organizes all things sport at StJ. Needless to say, she is extremely organized! The Grecos, Susannah and Roy, are from North Carolina, where they lived in the town where Susannah grew up and her family has lived for at least 4 generations. Roy works for Volvo industrial equipment. Roy jr, Sarah and Martha make up their crew, in grades 6,5 and 3. Susannah has a thick sweet southern drawl. The kids played in the yard while the grown ups sat around on the patio, same story no matter what country you are in! We had a great time...on,y problem is now I have to reciprocate--need to master my oven pronto!!

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