Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fall Break

One of the nice things about an International School is the fact that they adopt different things from many different countries. shout out to the United Kingdom for "half term" of Fall Break a complete week of in the middle of October! On the home front us girls kept busy with Charlotte's pet business--running a full schedule as folks went away. Two houses with two cats each, and two houses with one large dog each. Lots of walking and feeding and petting, aided by the flow chart on the kitchen wall!
Charlotte with Boomer, an Obi clone!
We combined pets with running, watching Downton Abby and a whole lot of nothing else. It was quite relaxing!
The men-folk jetted off Sunday on everyone's favourite discount airline, Ryanair, for Bolgna Italy. They arrived home this afternoon, footsore but completely satisfied. Great flight in, easy trek from airport to city center, Fantastic inexpensive hotel, phenomenal food, friendly people AND the worlds longest covered walkway! I know, I'm putting it on my bucket list! They spent Sunday climbing medieval towers, Monday at the Lamborghini Museum and factory and Tuesday clocking over 16 miles on the Fitbit as they visited castles,churches,basilicas and strolled The Worlds Longest Covered Walkway--
San Luca is the world's longest continuous portico, a covered walkway of 666 arches more than two miles long! It being Italy, massive quantities of delicious food was consumed, along with pastries, gelato, and untold espresso! I will share some photos...

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