Saturday, May 11, 2013

Spring is coming to Michigan

Slowly but surely spring is coming! By slowly I mean that it snowed today, big fat flakes on April 24, coating the deck and making a mess on everyones shoes. But the air has a different feeling to it, a bit of warmth, and a different sound to it, croaking frogs and bellowing cranes and chirping birds. It is coming! I can't wait to fill the sandbox for Cassie and tell Molly she doesn't need a wool cap and gloves to take her run!
Molly, Danny and Jerry participated in their first rite of spring in " the D" -a Tiger game! We purchased three seats in a small game package and we are excited to be "season ticket holders" Jerry even got an email from our own valet, who said if we had any issues we should call him personally! Jerry almost called during the game to see if he could deliver blankets to the seats, as the temp dipped into the 30's, but they just rode it out!
Let the coats get put away, ditch the boots, hats and gloves and bring on the Spring!
Baby's Story time

reading in the sunshine

Cassie says, "when I grow up I want to be like Chuchu!

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