Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Parenting Panel? Moi?! 5/3/13

Okay, the coolest thing! I get an email from my friend Ted in NYC asking if I would like to come out there and be a part of a panel discussion. With no further info my response was "YES!" I didn't know anything other than I could go to New York, but that was enough for me! The panel was being held to discuss the results of a survey dealing with parents today, social media and technology issues, and if its harder to parent in the world today.  A beautiful short film tribute to Eunice Kennedy  The panelist were myself, Andrew Shue of Melrose Place fame, who is now an owner and writer on the site Cafemoms, MaryLou Retton, yup, that MaryLou Retton! A Mom who has the biggest web presence for Latina Moms and a gal that is a head of school at the Ideal School in NYC, a private school with a 30% Special Needs population. What an interesting and diverse group. The panel discussion was moderated by Dana Points, the Editor in Chief of Parents magazine. We all gathered on the rooftop of a building on 48th and 11th with stunning views of midtown and the river. The weather was perfect, blue skies and sun sparkling off the buildings, and the swanky rooftop room was filled with white flowers and posters of our Mom Wisdoms, which we had sent in prior to the event. It was hard to choose, since I am so smart, but the one I went with for this was,
"Give your best to the world and the world will give its best back to you!"
Various media outlets were invited to hear us talk, mostly lots of bloggers and magazines. The discussion went faster than I thought it would and I did not feel that it was my best day. I had trouble finishing my thoughts before they moved on to the next person(note to self-don't be so long winded!)
but the PR firm and Ted said we did a great job. It was cool to stand around and chat with MaryLou Retton, who of course I watched on TV and worshipped. First American woman to win a gold medal in all-around,first woman on a Wheaties box, maybe the tiniest adult I have ever met. She has four daughters, the first of whom is a senior in high school, so even though she is famous, it was regular Mom chat. A couple of my pals from P&G were there and it was great to see them. In fact, on Thursday night we all went out to a cool restaurant called Quality Meats for dinner and a lot of laughing!
All in all it was a fantastic experience and I am so happy that Thank You Moms gave me the chance to participate.

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