Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Celebrating Charlotte Grace!

I need to write a post about my Charlotte. What a neat kid she is! Sometimes when you are a "poor middle child", as I used to call myself, you get lost in the shuffle. Add to that Charlotte's quiet, out of the spotlight nature and her early bedtime habits and it is easy to not really see her. Well today I want you to see her!

  • Charlotte turned 20 on 2/16 and is very proud of her new young adult status. 
  • She is a wonderful dog owner to her rescue pup Buddy. When we went to the shelter I tried to call her attention to several other dogs but she would not even consider them. One look at the shaved and shivering 8lb. dog and she said "he needs me". He does need her, and she needs him: they spend a lot of time looking at things on Charlotte's computer. The other day I heard him barking the opening to Wicked...seriously!!
  • Charlotte is great with Cassie, reading her books at the table and chatting with her in the car.
  • Charlotte is a great letter writer. She composes beautiful interesting quirky letters--if you'd like her to write to you let her know! 
  • Charlotte enjoys tooling around town on her bicycle. She independently hops on and rides to the library to choose books and enjoy computer time. And she does this on her own...WOW!
  • Art is one of her talents. She entered an art contest and created a lovely collage of London, one of her favourite cities. It is on display as of today at Studio West Gallery in Brighton, and she is soo proud. And so are we! 
  • Technology does not intimidate my Charlotte. She has learned how to watch the Yankees on her computer, listen/watch her favourite videos, and burn Cd's and play music. 
  • Speaking of the Yankees, Charlotte is their BIGGEST fan! She cheers them on and more importantly, wears their gear every day. She enjoys talking to Aunt Susan about their team!
  • Charlotte is a good friend to everyone(except Molly!) and she keeps in touch with email and phone calls.
  • And I can't forget what an awesome athlete Charlotte is. She trys super hard in all her sports. She loves being coached by Michelle and PJ, and feels good when Dad calls her his best piont guard. Charlotte's newest sport is boxing! She has been to the Title Boxing Club 3 of the last 4 days to do a crazy intense 60 minute ab/core/aerobic/boxing workout. She follows all the class directions and even when the moves are tricky she works as hard as she can.      
I am a Charlotte fan, I am blessed to have her as my daughter and she daily helps me to become the person GOD meant me to be.
I Love You Charlotte!
In The D-post turkey trot!

Buckeye gear and movies-Merry Christmas!

full court press

Yankee pride and Brighton Pride too!

another awesome shirt

Charlotte's two main Yankee pals, Aunt Susan and Uncle Danny

feeding a new baby at a farm in Zoetomeer, NL

Another new hoodie! Let's hope it fires up the team!

Charlotte and her friend MaryJane Welton

Coach Michelle is my fav!

PJ!!! Let me Go, I hate it I love it!

Charlotte sharing her beautiful smile!

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