Saturday, May 11, 2013

Special Olympics Leadership Conference 4/27/13

Miss Molly, at it again! She is the one of the athlete representatives to the state management team,and as such she will attend to meetings a year in Mount Pleasent and report on issues that the athletes feel are important. Go Molly! I am very proud of her and how she keeps trying new things and rising to challenges. MaryJane Welton and I drove her up to CMU and dropped her off on Friday night. We enjoyed a chatty dinner at Panera while Molly attended her meeting, which concluded at 10pm. MJ and I drove to the lake house to see the new windows (gorgeous!) and kill some time. We returned to the hotel where we met up with Molly and went to sleep. Next morning we all took part in an all day conference where they discussed Project Unify, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day and more. One of the more interesting talks was on the new federal law stating that all students(all-not just some!) must have access to phy.ed and sports teams and how Special Olympics programs  can help school systems be in compliance. Danny is planning to try to get Project Unify going in his 7/8 school next year.
Molly introduced one of the attendees which really tickled her. The food was yummy and the company great, so all in all, a great two days.

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