Friday, April 12, 2013

Traveling- Thursday in Vienna and Rotterdam

even though I'm sidewise I am so cute!! Last meal in Vienna-Torte of course!
Woke up feeling nauseous - - too many late night coffee and pastries en suite?!?!  Jerry and Danny headed down for one final fabulous Austrian breakfast, then trekked over to St. Michaelkirk, ironically the closest church in distance to us but one we had not been to.  A beautiful 'family' type of church, with different altars and alcoves sponsored by families of the area in the 16th and 17th centuries.  Meanwhile, I set about mentally talking myself into feeling guys know what a good talker I am, so you will not be surprised to learn that I convinced myself I felt fine!  We checked out of the lovely hotel and left our bags with the concierge (yes, it was THAT kind of place), heading out for a last sunny stroll on Vienna's quaint and quirky cobblestone streets.  It was actually quite warm, and when we saw a corner table available outside of Aida we snagged it.  Danny had wanted to try the Mozart torte, and this was his chance.  Danny describes it as a 'rich, heavy chocolate cake, very smooth, very chocolatey icing, a chocolate medallion with Mozart's face embedded on it, and some green filling that could not make itself known over the chocolate.'  You just feel so European, crammed around a tiny table, cigarette smoke wafting around you, people from all over the world going by - - school field trips, Japanese business mean laden down with shopping bags, women in burkas, pensioners with walkers and small dogs -  ahhh, Life!!

Life is good!

the Mozart torte at Aida
oh yes, we're back!


At our park

our old friend Hofschein

Then off to the airport in our taxi, and on board our KLM to Amsterdam.  This plane was much larger than our flight in to Vienna, and with the clear skies Danny and I were able to see the Austrian countryside as we flew off.  Jer gets the aisle, he likes the leg room, and i take the middle cause I'm a good sport :)

We landed at Schipol in the gray misty fog - - you only know your landing when you hit the ground.  Welcome back to Holland, where the weather is still crappy!  Our car is a slick Nissan Juke; Ed Bedner would love it.  Jer hops behind the wheel and we zip out of the airport onto the A4 like natives.  We will pass by Pijnacker on the way to Rotterdam and Jerry suggests we stop there for dinner.  Then we remember there are no good places to eat in Pijnacker, and when we lived there we went out to eat.......where?  If you are a faithful reader you will know the answer.  That's right...IKEA - Delft!  So yes indeed, that is where we went.  And loved every meatball, slice of apple pie (Dutch National Food), and bottomless cappuccino dispenser.  We headed 'home' to Pijnacker, and crossed down the main street, past the Sport Institute, Blocker, Zeeman, the Turkish grocery, and all of our old haunts.  We actually went to Gaaghof 16 and parked, and took a gray, chilly walk around the obstacle course park.  Very nostalgic.  On our way out of town, we stopped at Albert Hein - - our supermarket.  Jerry was teasing me that we would need an extra suitcase for food, the way I was shopping!  But I miss it!  I miss shopping being a fun activity I did every day with the kids, not the solo drudgery it is back home.  Gingerbread!  Pindas!  Pure bliss!
The cool Nissan Juke!

At the entrance to our AH supermarkt!

Hotel Savoy Rotterdam is as well placed as it appeared on the map online, and the room is quite large.  I splurged and ordered up an extra bed for Danny, so it is very comfortable.  Jerry set to work, Detroit time, and Danny and I read...

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