Friday, April 12, 2013

Shopping Day-Friday in Rotterdam

Danny and I decided to play the metro tourist role-you know the ones who come to the city with the intention of shopping and dining. They do not try to disguise the trip as cultural or educational in any way. It is pure retail and eating! It was too foggy to go to Euromast, to cold and windy to tackle the Erasmus bridge, but never too rainy to sit in the Hema cafe on Coolsingelstraat and people watch and drink cappuccinos! We dashed in and out of many rain showers, only really caught two full on (you end up looking like you just showered with your clothes on!) and visited all our favourite Dutch shops. Hema, Zeeman, Blokker, C&A, Van Haren, The Croc shop, and window shopped at many more. Remember SissyBoy? We passed it! A mid afternoon frtte break was just what Danny needed. Then we went on to our comic book store and Danny happily spent his euros on an Asterix and Obelix comic book. We ended our afternoon at the NAI  (National Architecture Institute) which has one of our favourite cafes in Rotterdam. And the Cafe macchiatto was still excellent!
We met Jerry a few streets away at Bazaar, our favourite restaurant, and I had my usual, Falafel salad and sweet pepper curry soup-and it was maybe even better than I remembered!
We ended the evening with a trip to PrinzAlexandrium mall where I cleaned up at my favourite sport shop and then came back to the hotel. Jerry and I had a coffee and a beer respectively at the hotel lounge while Danny finished a social studies assignment. I was also able to chat with my sister by phone and Jerry with Hank, which was a great finish to a great day! Hup Holland Hup!
we always see the coolest cars!

the cube houses are one block from our hotel

cool public art- Danny resembles the guy now that he wears glasses!

A favourite comic character

"have you heard the one about the Dutchie....!"

Thanks Mom! now lets get out of the rain!

so good especially with loads of fritte sauce!

we even got our favourite table


my soup, since Jerry ordered it as well, we got a whole tureen!

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