Sunday, April 21, 2013

Back To Life...Back To Reality!

Flying home on Sunday morning...crossing 6 time zones gave me plenty of time to readjust my persona from Super tourist to Super Mom. Leaving classical music--rejoining Broadway show tunes and the Michigan Fight Song! Leaving a spotless room and turned down bed with chocolate--rejoining dog hair and laundry! Leaving full on attention to one child--moving back to meeting the needs of four kids and a little baby! In other words--real life!
Jake is home from the Army. He is out for now and looking for a job. He is living in my gorgeous newly renovated guest room downstairs and enjoying the fabulous new mattress. Though maybe not the accompanying admonishments to "keep the place clean"! I can imagine that it is both lovely and challenging to move back in with your parents-I never did. We are trying to give him a lot of love and support-building him up and stepping back to give him space, encouraging him and reminding him of what a good man he is and how much he has to contribute. Baking him cookies and sharing my pot of coffee and car. Just being the best Mom I can be.
Cassie joined us on Thursday night and we hit story time on Friday, and we both had a ball. Molly and Charlotte were both off on Thursday,Friday and tomorrow. so they joined us at the library and helped Cassie to have a great experience. We have not done anything too exciting: a family Chinese feast at our neighbors restaurant-Dragon Court, church together, games of chess for the boys, Molly and PJ had a 10.2 mile run, trips to our new fitness spot Title One Boxing,floor time with our Cassie...and on and on...
This is my real life and I feel so blessed to be in it-challenges are always present-but that just gives you a chance to be your best self!

Jake and I chaperoned Danny's class trip to the Howell Nature Center

Danny and Classmates check out a couple of falcons

Pond study involved scooping up muck and poking through it  to identify critters

Hincka Boxing Team

Heading out into the cold 4/20 day to knock out 10.2 miles! Go Molly and PJ!

my sweetie!

I see you Cookie!

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