Saturday, July 7, 2012

A visit to Scheveningen Sunday July 1

After church on Sunday we drove out to Scheveningen. This town is so hard to pronounce that the Dutch resistance used to make people say it as a password...if they couldn't say it right, they surely weren't Dutch! Only Danny can say it right in our family! This area has beach hotels and cafes, surf shops and loads of para and kite surfing shops. It is very like a shore town in the US. We enjoyed seeing the huge fishing boats in the harbour waiting to head out on Monday. The herring catch is very good this year, we have been told. There are stands all over the place, and in much the same way as we might grab a hot dog from a cart, folks grab a herring, by the tail, tilt their heads back, slide it in and bite....they follow this with raw onions and beer! No I have not tried this..NO WAY! Danny and Jerry went into a museum ship and took a tour. The volunteer was thrilled to have an interested guy aboard, and opened up the radio room and taught Danny some Morse code. He was pretty psyched about it! We also were able to visit a bunker from WWII which is open on weekends. Along the coast of Europe, from Norway to Spain, Hitler constructed Bunkers and staffed them with soldiers ready to fight off invasion. This one never saw any action since the Allies came in at Normandy, but it was really neat to go into. The amount of reinforced concrete in the structure and the sheer number of bunkers and other invasion foiling ditches and spikes that the Germans constructed was really mind-blowing. What an incredible war machine Hitler had cranked up, Thank God he was defeated.
Captain Danny

mini ship models

The radio room

it's a Dutch ship, of course there's a bar!

How did those tall Dutch guys fit in those beds?

The catch of the day!

Jerry sets a ship free!

aren't the ships huge? they must hold a big catch

at the harbour entrance

kite and wind surfers covered the sea today

really an off the beaten path little gem of a museum

the artifacts are from this bunker, others in the area, and donated by residents

German medals

this is how you enter and exit the bunker

an old newspaper photo of a bunker in the '40's

what I want to bring home with me!

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