Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Hincka Family Singers?!

After mass a couple of weeks ago, one of the ladies from the Choir came over to us,we were in the front pew as usual,  and said, "Now who is the soprano I hear over here?" It was beautiful Charlotte of course, and Lily immediately recruited her for the choir. Then she suggested we all join, and by the way, did we have a few moments because rehearsal for next week was right now! We said, sure,why not, but we only have a few more weeks at the Parish. No problem, especially as numbers go down in the summer holiday months. So we are in the choir, and sang in our second mass Sunday 8 July. It was a special mass because Father Sjacq had a group of about 30 young kids from his home parish up in Freesland visiting. They had been practicing three songs in English for a couple of months and were going to sing them at mass. Boy were they cute! The closing hymn (?) they sang was If your Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands! And we all clapped along, including the altar servers and Father Sjacq. I am sad to leave this wonderful international church, I have grown so much.
The Childrens Choir

aren't they darling?!

Lily the soprano (she works for NATO) and the girls

the tenors and the basses

The Four Tops

this guy loves us, he sits next to me and always shares his music with me, I just stand there!

Harm our director

The Hincka Family Singers!

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