Saturday, June 30, 2012

Beating the crowds to the beach!

School is in session until July 7th here(they do have a two week break in May) and so on the first day that it got above 70 we hit the beach. We have heard that the roads through Den Haag to the sea get near impassable after next week. Shades of 23 North and the Garden State Parkway I imagine! Jerry had a morning meeting and then we all went to Scheveningen. This beach area has restaurnats and a pier and is broken up into three areas, Surfing, regular and nude! When taking a walk along the shore, we knew when to turn around when we saw a 60 year old man strutting his stuff as he came out of the water! Dogs are also allowed to run freely around the beach(and shit, of course,wherever they please, this is The Netherlands after all!) and Charlotte enjoyed that. A black lab pup followed Danny into the water and was jumping waves with him. The dunes behind the beach have bunkers visible in them, remenants of the WWII battles. There was a prison in Scheveningen that Corrie and her sister Betsie were held in after their arrests(see post on The Hiding Place) and lots of history remains. Also lots of great waves! Hooray for Summer!

Charlotte and Danny built a neat castle and Molly helped decorate

Molly shows off her new swimsuit

Charlotte strikes a pose!

Me and my kids!
Danny photographed this barnacle encrusted shell, the things peeping out are the live barnacles critters!
All the shells we collected!

seagull eye view of the castle

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