Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pijnacker Sportinstitute, A great place!

Danny attended here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays since we arrived. He did two judo classes and one nunchuka class.The classes were taught in Dutch and Danny didn't know anyone when he started, but that didn't stop him! He worked very hard, and even became eligible to take the national exam in Judo, which he took and passed on Tuesday 2 July. His nunchuka instructor is so upset that we are leaving, he said he really enjoys Danny, and maybe he could fly back on Wednesday to attend class! This was such a nice thing for D, a chance to get away from me and his sisters and do his own thing. We walked there in the afternoons, about 1 1/2 miles, and often home again too. We had a chance chat and share alot on these solo walks, which was also great! A super experience all the way around! The two clips are fun, the first is in Nunchuka class, on a fun day, the guys are all playing a game, and they love to pick on Danny! The second is his fight that he won, just before he was awarded his belt! Proud? You bet!
Danny and his nunchuka instructor Rogier

Danny with his Judo teacher and her helpers. The girls would help Danny with the translation if he needed it!

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