Saturday, July 14, 2012

Running Club Thursday 12 Juli

We are winding down, the last Thursday practice with Coach Fred, and next Tuesday the last with Dolph. This is going to be a big miss, and we will be looking to replicate it in Brighton. What a difference this has made for the girls, friendship and fitness, what could be better?! On Tuesday we will bring "cakes" to practice. This is what the Dutch do when they have any occasion, they share cakes! Isn't that nice?! Anyway, photos from Thursday and I will share next weeks cake fest too!
after 30 min of stretching and warm up games, the running begins

this segment was 8 300's


Coach Fred, Molly,Lara, Charlotte and Jerry

don't the girls look great?!

new guy Chris in the rear(works for Pfiser)

Go Charlotte!

stretching out at the end, after 2 plus hours

Danny is wearing rollerblades, he and I did a long course around the lake while the group did the sprints!

The Thursday night group, size varies, friendliness does not!

Coach Fred always took the time to teach the girls the right way to do the moves, but understood if they couldn't get it and just encouraged...Great attitude for people who have ID in this country.

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