Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wonderful, Warm Weekend!

Oh gosh, it  was a long time coming but the warm weather has hit! We had steady mid to upper 20's all week (figure it out, math is fun!) and a sunny hot weekend. Saturday we went down to the park where the girls running club meets to have a workout. We did a light jog to the stretch out area, Jerry led us in the track team stretches, then we ran around the lake. It is a 6-7K run, all along this beautiful lake filled with sailboats, and the skyline of Rotterdam. Amazing! During our cool down we chatted with a bunch of women and they have a ladies run on June 10th that Molly,Charlotte and I will do. We ran buy our favourite sports store for their big sale and got sandals for Molly, running shoes for Charlotte and a couple of cool shirts for the men. Then home to shower and get ready for our next exciting event...Invite to a "Real live Dutch Families House!" Jerry's co-worker Machiel and his wife Diana invited us to a BBQ! The kids have been so excited all week long. The Pronks have two girls, Claudia(pronounced Cloud-ia) and Ilse (pronounced eel-sa) who are 12 and 10. When we arrived the family suggested that we go to a nearby goat farm to check it out. What a fun little trip. The Dutch are so mellow(maybe less fear of lawsuits?!) and the children are allowed to climb in and out of the goat pens and feed the baby goats with small bottles. Charlotte found a tiny kid in the corner and really enjoyed feeding it. There were also pigs, chickens, sheep, even a couple of fawns. It was a great way to get to know the family, strolling around the grounds. We went back to the house and had a wonderful BBQ meal with chicken and beef kabobs, hamburgers, salads, frites(of course!) and the brownies and ice cream we brought for desert. The kids played UNO with some crazy Dutch rules which they enjoyed learning, and went to the nearby park on their own to shoot hoops and play football while we grown=ups relaxed on the patio. Heaven! I really enjoyed having a social outing. Not that I am Miss Popular in the US, but we do get invited to friends houses  and I love having people over, and that has been something I have missed. I had to warm up my social muscles, they were a little stiff! Hopefully I did OK :)
what a neat running path

lake on the right

Go Team Hincka

we're on top of the Windmill(one Dutch wish, come true!)

this wheel rotates the blade so it can best catch the wind 

Hello down there!

Claudia and a little friend

Danny found a baby to feed

How happy does Charlotte look?

Claudia helped Molly feed a kid

Machiel and Jerry

which one is more handsome

near the canal at the goat farm

hello from the upstairs terrace

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