Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gary Plane gets on the plane :(

The guys loved this funky resting spot

Gary looks so cool in his new Dutch duds! We'll miss you Gary!

I just got an email from Gary's Mom that "the eagle has landed!" Gary is safe at home in Michigan and probably happy to see all his pets and family members. We miss him already. He was a great house guest, ready to go anywhere or do anything. We were at the airport by 7:30 and checked in by 8:30am. The escort to the gate was meeting us at 9:30 so Danny,Gary and I strolled around the airport shops and browsed and people watched. We even found a KLM plane that they had cut a cross section of and  put inside the airport. We took some photos which I will post when Gary emails them to me! With the last hugs and kisses given, and final motherly instructions spoken "only talk to pretty girls", Gary headed off  to his gate. What a confident,accomplished young man.
Back at the ranch the girls had gone out for a run and showered, and we declared a day off from everything! Around 3 we walked to town and I bought the kids a milk shake and we returned Danny's library books and walked home. Molly let me help with her puzzle a bit, which was unusual, then suddenly said "I'm sorry Mom, but you can't help anymore" Too funny. Skyped with my sister about nothing, but it sure was good to see her. That's the good word from Pijnacker!

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