Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gent/Ghent Belgium

Cannon-only fired twice due to poor projectile-50 cms!
The girls checking out the sites
now a museum, this was fromerly a childrens hospital from 1363
our fearless leader
the boats we will ride in
something for everyone!
the Meat Hall, now a restaurant
the buidings go right into the canals
sweet car waiting for a wedding party to come out of the church
Technology fair on the square-Danny is in heaven
while I view the Kathedral Danny and Techno Tim hang out!
he built a mini bug type robot and raced it
Techno Tim! Encouraging careers in Science and Technology
on the corner across from Saint Bavos
imagine hearing a homily from there
beautiful and unique altars every few steps
my favorite to pray to, in good times and bad
The polyptich Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by Hubert and Jan van Eyck
this is a model, the real one can't be photographed
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