Friday, May 11, 2012

The Office!

Brighton MI Office lunch--whatever can be scrounged out of the fridge and eaten quickly while sitting at his desk.
Cappella Netherlands Office lunch--at promptly 12 noon, everyone in the office goes down one floor to the dining room and chooses from a lovely selection of homecooked soups, fresh salads, tasty hot entrees, drinks and yogurts. Today's choices:white asparagus soup, fish, goat cheese and walnut on phenomenal brown bread, and more! They all sit together to eat, and no one leaves until everyone is finished. How nice!
Brighton MI coffee situation--go to the kitchen and hope Kerry left some in the pot for you and that your phone doesn't drop the call as you go up and down the stairs.
Cappella Netherlands coffee situation--all the folks in the office take turns grabbing a tray and asking each person at their desk if they would like a drink. Then they head to the coffee machine which is capable of producing an astonishing variety of drinks from fresh ground double espressos to cafe chocolat, fill all the orders and deliver the drinks to each person at their desk. How nice!

 hmmmm, this is one area where the Netherlands is the clear winner! Each day when he comes home from work Jerry is greeted by Molly's question "so Dad, what did you have for lunch?!" She loves to hear of the Pinda soup(peanut-every Thursday!), fruit salads and interesting sandwiches they have to choose from. Next question is always "when can we go to lunch at your office?!" Well today was the big day and they couldn't have been more thrilled if we said they were going to Paris to a 5-star restaurant. Outfits were laid out, hair combed, even teeth were brushed! Jerry had gone to work early, then drove home to pick us up. We brought a new coffee tray for the office. Quite a few people were off because the kids here are on their May break, but we met lots of friendly co-workers. Danny played some football with the guys, Jerry helped the kids do a coffee run, and then we had lunch. Great conversation, the Dutch of very dry and witty, and of course, great food! After one last round of coffees, we took the car and headed out. Jer got a ride home from Mahiel. The kids and I visited a nearby mall but didn't stay long--it was very crowded. It was great fun to see where Jerry goes each day and meet the nice folks he works with. And now Molly will be able to ask Jerry each day about all the people she met! How nice!
office sculpture, what were you expecting? it's an environmental company!

Jerry's office

going around and taking coffee orders

Danny loved working the machine

Dutch vs. USA, yes we lost!

Charlotte chatting with Bob

we found out that the office pays the upkeep for this little critter to live out it's life in happiness. They have named it Pebbles. The English translation of this animals name is Skunk!!

look how happy she is!

Jerry, Danny, Dawoue, Molly, Mahiel and Charlotte

At the mall-world cup is in June and orangj fever is breaking out all over!

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