Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Witte Fietsen

Memorial Day in Holland is a public holiday to celebrate Pentecost. Call it what you will, it meant that Jerry, and the rest of the country had the day off! And just like in America the citizens took to the roads to visit beaches, parks and restaurants. We headed an hour west to Hoge Veluwe, the largest park in the Netherlands and home of the famous Witte Fietsen or white bikes. Since the 70's the park has had white bikes stashed at every entrance and folks can hop on a bike(all with adjustable seats and handlebars and child seats) and cruise all around the park and hop off whenever they wish. Go visit the museum, come out, hop on a bike outside and on you go! Our family has never been able to go on a bike ride together because Molly can't ride a bike. Jerry usually rides with the other kids and Mol and I walk or run. So this was a special day. The community is so welcoming to people with any kind of disability and works to make everything in the country accessible. I did some sleuthing and discovered that special bikes of several varieties could be reserved for free. We also got special low admission prices for the girls. The bike we chose had a wheelchair-ish seat up front for Molly and a regular bike in back for me to peddle. It was so much fun! Molly and I talked and laughed the whole time. Charlotte did great navigating the trails and Jerry and Danny are old pros of course. I have big plans for a special bike for our family when we get back to the US, and many more bike rides in the future!
We got our bikes first thing and rode out with our trail map, 4 hours and 15miles or so later we arrived back at the visitors center to get our picnic. Everyone was starving! And of course there was a lovely cafe for me to grab a koffe, life is good. A little history...
The park was established by the businessman Anton Kröller and his wife Helene Kröller-Müller as an private estate in 1909. They believed in the unity of art and nature and wanted to share this belief/pleasure with the whole country. Up until 1923 the park was under construction with wildlife being imported and the building of the hunting lodge and fences. The hunting residence is called St. Hubertus Hunting Lodge after St. Hubertus and was designed by prominent Dutch architect Hendrik Petrus Berlage. Helene Kröller-Müller was an art collector and work had begun on a museum inside the park. Due to worsening economic conditions the building of the museum was halted and the couple found themselves unable to keep the estate. In 1935 the art collection was donated to the State of the Netherlands, which then continued to build the Kröller-Müller Museum. The park was handed over to a foundation, which received a loan from the State. At that time the estate became the second national park in the Netherlands. The park is still one of the two private owned national parks in the Netherlands, but the only one that asks a entrance fee. The park has a large population of Red deer, wild boar, Roe deer, Mouflons and many endangered species of birds,frogs,snakes,etc. Alas, all we saw was a hawk slowly circling around. Oh well! At times the areas we rode through resembled Posen, MI and at times we felt like we were in Africa! It was so cool.
After lunch we walked to the museum through the sculpture park. Danny's favourite sculpture was one you could play on. In the museum we saw many Van Gogh works, which made extremely happy. What a day-biking,walking,art,food,family time; I know this  fed every part of our souls!

We are ready to hit the trails, the bicycle repair shop maintains the 1700 witte fietsen in the park!

sweet climbing opportunities

one of the trails

Charlotte shows off her witte fiets

this landscape was neat

photo op!

Molly eye view of a trail

Jerry,Charlotte and Danny cruise ahead( I was riding and photographing!)

well earned sandwiches

a stratigraphic pile (ask Jerry what that means!)

the floor of the ondermuseum

a sculpture entitled The Library

The gardens were filled with 20 feet high rhododendron bushes

we named this sculpture "Sleeping Papa" that is what the Dutch kids call their Dad :)

"Jardin d' email " sculpture


Leger, 1917

Van Gogh's!

this sculpture(?) was called Two Adjacent Boxes  Art? You be the judge!

Guess what this is called....

my own sculpture, called Shadow of Love

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Typical Dutch, The warm version..

Mom made a Dutch pancake this morning


let's get this party started!

Charlotte is the first under in the Netherlands=good bragging rights!

The view from a neat observation post near the beach

The windmill we climbed yesterday is across the water

11 babies! You go Girl!

Ready to jump off the walkway

one, two, three, GO!

Style points for Charlotte? I give her a 10!

swimming in....

the walkway as seen from the beach
no matter where we are, a hole needs to be dug

Goof y kid, no matter what the country

We enjoyed a mellow Sunday and I hope you did as well. We slept in and that was wonderful. I tried my hand at Dutch style pancakes, thicker than crepes,chewy yet light, eaten happily by all. Then we headed down to the park where the girls train. It is in the city of Rotterdam and there is no fee to enter or park. I like that because then it is accessible to so many people. We parked ourselves on the sand(about the same quality as the Michigan lake sand) and the kids and Jerry dove right in to the water. I dove into my book, so we were all happy! The lake reminded me very much of Kensington. Boats were sailing by, trees were visible around the shore, and everyone was having fun. Of course at Kensington every woman would be wearing a bathing suit top...! We came home and had a big mid afternoon dinner and got ready for church. Suddenly we thought, what if because tomorrow is a state holiday (Pentecost) there is no evening mass? Well good thing we checked before we drove to Den Haag. So no mass, but we all said the rosary together and family prayers. And of course it is Sunday night so it is all about CountryFile, our favourite BBC show. This week it was a special water addition, so we saw gorge walking, Royal Navy swift water rescue training, surfing on the spring tide on an inland river, how lamprys feed and why they are helpful to their rivers, it was another great hour of television. So we end another weekend, but with the holiday tomorrow we have another travel plans...stop back and see where we end up!
ps. A prayer request for all the veterans and fighting personnel all over the world, with thoughts of Jake. Thanks :)

Wonderful, Warm Weekend!

Oh gosh, it  was a long time coming but the warm weather has hit! We had steady mid to upper 20's all week (figure it out, math is fun!) and a sunny hot weekend. Saturday we went down to the park where the girls running club meets to have a workout. We did a light jog to the stretch out area, Jerry led us in the track team stretches, then we ran around the lake. It is a 6-7K run, all along this beautiful lake filled with sailboats, and the skyline of Rotterdam. Amazing! During our cool down we chatted with a bunch of women and they have a ladies run on June 10th that Molly,Charlotte and I will do. We ran buy our favourite sports store for their big sale and got sandals for Molly, running shoes for Charlotte and a couple of cool shirts for the men. Then home to shower and get ready for our next exciting event...Invite to a "Real live Dutch Families House!" Jerry's co-worker Machiel and his wife Diana invited us to a BBQ! The kids have been so excited all week long. The Pronks have two girls, Claudia(pronounced Cloud-ia) and Ilse (pronounced eel-sa) who are 12 and 10. When we arrived the family suggested that we go to a nearby goat farm to check it out. What a fun little trip. The Dutch are so mellow(maybe less fear of lawsuits?!) and the children are allowed to climb in and out of the goat pens and feed the baby goats with small bottles. Charlotte found a tiny kid in the corner and really enjoyed feeding it. There were also pigs, chickens, sheep, even a couple of fawns. It was a great way to get to know the family, strolling around the grounds. We went back to the house and had a wonderful BBQ meal with chicken and beef kabobs, hamburgers, salads, frites(of course!) and the brownies and ice cream we brought for desert. The kids played UNO with some crazy Dutch rules which they enjoyed learning, and went to the nearby park on their own to shoot hoops and play football while we grown=ups relaxed on the patio. Heaven! I really enjoyed having a social outing. Not that I am Miss Popular in the US, but we do get invited to friends houses  and I love having people over, and that has been something I have missed. I had to warm up my social muscles, they were a little stiff! Hopefully I did OK :)
what a neat running path

lake on the right

Go Team Hincka

we're on top of the Windmill(one Dutch wish, come true!)

this wheel rotates the blade so it can best catch the wind 

Hello down there!

Claudia and a little friend

Danny found a baby to feed

How happy does Charlotte look?

Claudia helped Molly feed a kid

Machiel and Jerry

which one is more handsome

near the canal at the goat farm

hello from the upstairs terrace