Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And she's back! Blogger Universe take note!

Like anyone is reading this but you Kerry! Face it, you have one follower, and that's just because you made Jerry sign on! But who is this for anyway? It's main goal was to keep you accountable to a daily journal, which worked for about a year....then I slacked off. But I am sooo back on. I promise myself. 2012 has alot of adventure in store and I will want to remember it all.
Today I got to go to work! Now for many this would not be a cause for excitement, but since I only got 4 hours in the month of December, this shift was welcome. I also have a shift Saturday, so that makes 12 hours for the month!
Jerry is in Minnesota for the week, after last week in Tampa, so I am Mom-central. This week is much better though, because Charlotte is more under control. I don't know why or how, so many factors in play, but for the moment I am not questioning it.
Today Danny and I had Ashley Court. Many of our friends/residents had died in the last month, our friend Delores died last night. It is very sad, but a part of life at an Alzheimer's facility. Danny is so popular there, they love his sweet young face :)
Winter is here, tonight temps in the 20's, and I am happily in front of the fire, blogging and watching House Hunters Int. (Lyon, France!) and all is well!
Thanks for reading...

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