Sunday, January 22, 2012

Extremely Loud is extremely thought provoking...

LLL had their first field trip today, moving the Laughing Ladies out of the Library and into the theatre! We went to see Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which we read a couple of months ago. I wasn't a huge fan of the book, it seemed choppy and it had too many story lines going on. In the movie, it seemed like they filtered out all the side stuff and just concentrated on the main story. Sandra and Tom were fine, but the young boy was the real star of the show. His performance was spectacular. The one thing that bugged me about the book was that they did not mentioned Asbergers at all, when it was obvious to me that Oscar has it. At least in the movie they say he was tested for it and it was inconclusive (whatever that means). I found the way all the things he felt and saw, kind of the way he felt them, to be particularly hard for me to watch. Does Charlotte feel these things. Because she has ID also, she can't express these things? I wish I knew what was happening in her head, but will try to think of Oscar when she is freaking and maybe find a new kinder way to deal with things.

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