Thursday, January 19, 2012

Told ya I'd be right back!

Well  here I am! Thursday was a busy one for sure...
Coffee with a friend from the knitting group at the library was fun. I had hoped to see Nancy there to, but she didn't feel up to it.
Back home to help Danny work on how to research, for his Florida keys/Islamorades project. He is making a map and needs to have flora and fauna information to include it. We also did a cool atom sculpture and worked on it with relation to the periodic table of elements. It was cool.
Dealt with problems with transportation to school for Charlotte-- how ironic is it that she heads out to willingly get on the bus and the next thing I know the drivers is at the door saying they do not have a form for her to be transported. WHAT?! So in she comes, I go get on the phone, and figure I'll be driving her. However, they have the bus turn around and come back for her...okay then!
so the day went on and dinner was in the oven when I got a call from Cammy, her Mom had had a car accident and she needed help. I jumped in the car and drove the 50 min down to Oakwood hospital. When I got there I was handed Cassandra immediately. Cammy had run out without a diaper bag and the baby was stinky and hungry. Also Cammy was not allowed back with her mother with the baby. So I offered to take her to Target to pick up some diapers etc. Off we went, I chanced hanging a right turn while waiting for the satellite to kick in on the GPS and there on the right was a Target..GOD is good. Cass and I shopped for diapers, formula, a bottle, and a new sleeper because she had soaked through hers. Payed and changed her all up in the bathroom(forgot how stinky those explosive poops can be!) Then we went to the Starbucks inside the store and got busy on the bottle. Boy she was happy with that! Dry and fed we headed back to the hospital, where by the time I parked, Cammy's Mom was ready to leave. She ended up in my car, with the baby, and we drove to her house. Turned in all the Target goodies, and the baby(darn!) and then turned around to head home. We don't know about the damage yet, but I have a feeling it is bad..
Oh boy.

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