Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Phew! Dinner is done!

Well it seemed to be a big success! I will post some pictures soon of the eating and game playing and general bon homie! the guests arrived at 6, and Molly, who had been standing at the door since 5, was waiting to greet them. They enjoyed appies of cranberry salsa with cinnamon chips, artichoke cheese dip and cheese tray with fruit. Then we all got score cards and went down stairs to start the games. I played darts with Jim Cuthbertson and thanks to the three bullseyes he got, we won! Molly and Charlotte manned the Wii bowling station, and poor Danny couldn't win a game. After a little more than an hour we came upstairs to eat. Main course was a large Michigan salad(I even candied the pecans!) and Turkey pumpkin chili or spinach tortellini soup with chicken, and baguette,corn bread or cheese bread.
Desserts were black bottom cupcakes, tiramisu-ski, peanutbutter candy dipped oreos and chocolate dipped strawberries. Lots of Great lakes beer, red wine, soda and coffee topped things off.  And then the gag gifts...they were so well received, from the plastic pear, to the rhino bookends, to the can of Vienna sausage, they brought loads of laughs to the group. It was a hit I hear tell and I'm glad I could do it for Jer.

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