Thursday, December 29, 2011

Really bad blogger!

Wow! Way to long on the posting front, but I have excuses...many of them! Let's start with the visit from mom! This was a great success and I am so glad she came. She arrived on the 19th and we went to the DIA to see the Rembrandt exhibit-the faces of Jesus, had a large Christmas party, went to the movies, hosted an UNO tourney, went to church, hosted Christmas dinner at the house for our family and Jake's wife Cammy and his baby Cassandra,and many other little moments. I was able to take her for ahaircut, to try to find an easy care style for her diminished hand usage. I coloured her hair a nice shade of medium champagne blonde. I think it came out great! We went shopping to Kohls and I was able to buy her some cute things on my charge. I think she enjoyed sitting around watching the Christmas movies, hearing the stories and visiting when the kids were not at school.
On Tuesday morning we set out for NJ. The ride was so awful! It rained from the moment we left til we got to susan's, all 619.9 miles! But Jerry said that we beat the snow, which was filling in behind us in MI, OH and PA, so I was happy we left when we did. The ride home should be fine, Sunday is scheduled to be clear. I will head out then because Molly wants to watch football with Jerry, and Artie is off that day and I want to get out of his hair!
So meanwhile at susan's we are enjoying relaxing cousin time, shopping,game playing,etc. Life Is Good!

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