Sunday, December 11, 2011

Birthday Eve!

I can't believe that Danny will be 11 tomrw! "Where does the time go",the Mom wonders as she watches her babies head off into the world. "I'll be here if you need me!" she says with a smile, but she secretly worries that they won't....

Danny and Jerry went to a great event at the U this afternoon, a wrestling clinic and match. The clinic was run by two young Olympic hopefuls, then U of M went on to beat Wisconsin in dramatic fashion. 
We topped that off with coffee and pie with Karen and Eric. How happy to have the woman who cut the umbilical cord singing Happy Birthday with us...I am blessed.

Danny is more than I dreamed, a wonderful,smart,funny guy, who loves Marx brothers with Dad, HGTV with Mom, and Narnia with Charlotte. He reads like Jake, runs like Molly, and sleeps like Charlotte! I hope this year will be a great one for him! 

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