Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bad Blogger!

Well Thank Heavens my blog-a-day year is up! Because I failed miserably this week..
Excuse number 1-Jerry traveling
Excuse number 2-Charlotte freaking out
Excuse number 3-I'm lazy
I'm stopping at three and I'll highlight(or low light!) the week...
Charlotte's issues began on Monday with hours of screaming. She refused to go to school and could not stop crying. I took her this week to the pediatrician,internist,pediatric opthomologist and head to community mental health on Monday morning.  This took alot of regular energy and even more emotional energy. Hopefully we are on the right track to help my sweet girl live happy.
Monday Shawne and I had a golabki making party, pronounced gwumpkee, stuffed cabbage in English. We had our book club Christmas meeting/dinner on Tuesday night. The book was The Zookeepers Wife, set in Warsaw in World War Two, and so our dinner theme was Polish. Along with the golabki we served pirogi,wisbiski kielbasa,creamed cucumbers,beet soup,, chrushikki(angel wing cookies) coffee and wine. All members save one were in attendance and we collected money to donate to literacy instead of exchanging gifts.
Wednesday Danny had his 11 year check up, and he weighs 87 lbs and stands at 57 1/2 inches tall. He was not happy at the two shots he had to get. He went to tae kwan do Tuesday night with Jack and on Thursday Master Kil told him he should test. Danny wasn't sure he was ready, but Master assured him he was. Danny had set a goal for himself to get his green belt by Christmas and he succeeded! I am very proud of him!
Molly trooped along. Choir rehearsal on Thursday, BBall Friday and Saturday, snowshoe practice, a school dance...and all her usual sports watching. Tonight she called down to Jerry,Danny and I  "do you want to see my dance?" We headed to her room where she unselfconsciously preformed a 10 minute dance to a Hairspray song. She was so proud of her moves, it was heartbreakingly sweet.
Me..I'm minute to minute, keeping the happy going as best I can. Today I went to Yoga again same class as last week. It was great, but I need to go more than once a week. I did the almost last of my shopping while Jerry took the kids to the U of M game. Then the girls went off to snowshoe and Jerry,Danny and I went to the jewelery store. Nope,can't tell you why!
I'll be back tomorrow to report on the cookie party!

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