Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sewing Lessons Wednesday 12/7/11

Karol our fearless sewing teacher/friend has returned from her Thanksgiving family visit/babysitting job. Can you imagine how lucky her son and his wife are...she and Don watched the 7.5 and 3 year olds while they went on a NINE day cruise! Which they do EVERY year! Seriously--how nice is that?!  Anyway I digress..Karol came today for a sewing lesson and Danny finished his PJ bottoms! He did such a good job. He is so meticulous and patient. Karol even had him do the hem with 2 turns and ironing in between. He learned so much. And they even got me on the machine, finally! I finished my first project, which is a Christmas gift, with Danny's help. It was fun.
Danny went to Rollerama with Ryan and his family. He saw a bunch of pals from St. Pats and really had fun. I was super happy that he had a chance to hang out with his buds. :)

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