Saturday, February 28, 2015

Best decision we made--Saint Johns International School

I am reflecting tonight on our decision to place Danny at St.Johns. The background..Jerry stopped in for a quick visit in October when a 2 hour window opened in his packed schedule. Although unscheduled, he was given an enthusiastic tour of the school and met many of the teachers. In November Jerry and I travelled to Brussels to visit 3 schools and make a decision for Danny. St. John's was our second visit, and we cancelled our third; no need to even go on! We felt in our guts that this was the place for the D. But as you all know, reality can be a different story and sometimes the best layed plan...well, you know how it goes! In this case, however, I am happy to report that two months into our first term we could not be happier with this school. It is hands down the best school any of our kids have attended and we are thrilled that Danny is here. Examples from this week ( because last week was a full week off for winter break--Score!!)
Tuesday/ rehearsals continue for the middle school play, The Little Prince, in which Danny is playing the role of The Pilot, and several mime characters which I'm not really clear on! This play will be performed at the PAC with full tech crew, make-up, cast party,etc. Awesome!!  Great theater experience!
Trying out the makeup!

Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 at 19.00 in the theatre MS Spring Production “ The Little Prince” Tickets will be on sale on Monday from Reception and Martine. 5 euro adult and 3 euro student. A show for all the family!

Wednesday afternoon/ Danny and 4 other ms students hop on a bus along with a bunch of high schoolers and several math teachers and head to 

Olympiade Mathmetique Belge if you have a moment! During Danny's first week of school the kids took a math test which was round one of this contest. Danny scored the highest in Grade 8, so he moved on to the second round. He reports that he doesn't think he did very well in this round, but as round 3 is in French and they do not translate the test as they do in the earlier rounds, he is probably finished anyway. Great academic experience!
Wednesday evening/ awards recognition night for the Middle School Basketball Teams. A lovely gathering in the cafeteria with athletes, families and coaches to congratulate the boys and girls on a great season. The MS principal, Doug Lowney, spoke to the kids about teamwork as a concept for life and how school sports can help you learn it. The coaches thanked each student individually and Coach Davis, the HS coach and athletic director, thanked the kids for working so hard and encouraged them to practice over the next few months and try out in high school. Then there was pizza and baked goodies! This team welcomed Danny midway through the season and it was a great way for him to meet kids. Great athletic experience!

Friday/MS assembly. Topic? Traits of character and how to live them. Every student had been identified as having a strength in a particular area and was asked to stand at the appropriate time and receive congratulations. Danny was recognized under Wisdom, subheading Love of Learning. BUT every kids was recognized, and the traits were examined and talked about so that kids could see what the words really stood for and how to act in a new way. MS teachers, guidance and staff all attended and participated. This closed with a brief social time in the cafeteria for the kids with hot fresh waffles and juice! Great personal growth experience!

And this is just Danny...and one week! Never mind the girls and I; working at concessions, singing in the choir, cheering at all the games, well I could go on and on...and probably will in another entry!
But what a place, and how nice as a parent to find yourself here! I am very grateful!

Check out the mission statement of StJ
St. John’s is regarded by many as one of the best international schools in Europe. In order to provide the school with a platform to develop in a coherent manner, we have drawn up clear guiding statements supported by a vision, mission and values, which we believe positively differentiates us from other international schools.
Our vision
St. John’s students live our values to impact the world.
Our mission
St. John’s International School provides an English-language education based on Christian values, demands personal excellence and stimulates individual responsibility within a culturally diverse environment.
Our values
St. John's embraces its historical tradition and, in particular, the Christian values of:

Companionship - the gentleness to befriend and strength to accompany 
Integrity - being true to ourselves, to each other, and to our world
Respect - of people, languages, cultures, beliefs and values.


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