Monday, February 16, 2015

In Flanders Field Museum Trip, Ypres 14/2/15

The In Flanders Fields Museum presents the story of the First World War in the West Flanders front region. It is located in the renovated Cloth Halls of Ypres, an important symbol of wartime hardship and later recovery. In fact, the entire center square was destroyed during the war, but the village chose to rebuild in the original style.they did not want a modern flair!  The completely new permanent exhibition, which opened 11 June 2012 tells the story of the invasion of Belgium and the first months of the mobilisation, the four years trench war in the Westhoek - from the beach of Nieuwpoort to the Leie in Armentières -, the end of the war and the permanent remembrance ever since. The focus of the scenography is the human experience and calls particular attention to the contemporary landscape as one of the last true witnesses of the war history. In that context, a climb up the 250+ to the belfry, from where you have a view over the city and the surrounding battlefields is amazing. Jerry and Danny were the brave ones, the girls and I stayed below.  Hundreds of authentic objects and images are presented in an innovative experience-orientated layout. Lifelike characters and interactive installations confront the contemporary visitor with his peers in the war, a century ago. After receiving a rubber bracelet with a poppy on it and entering the museum, you scan the bracelet and input personal information like age,sex,nationality. Then throughout the museum you have the opportunity to scan your bracelet to bring up images and stories that more closely relate to you. In my case, a great story about an American nurse who accidentally found herself on the front lines. One of the interactives I found most moving was the depiction of the Christmas Eve ceasefire, as told from the perspective of a British, a German and a French soldier. I told the kids that Pop, Grandpa's Dad, had fought in WWI, and that made it a bit more real I think. 2015 is the 100yr. Anniversary of the first use of gas in war, a horrible addition to warfare.

What a fantastic experience. Jerry and Danny plan to return to Ypres in the spring with their bikes and stay overnight. They will ride the peace trail through all the battlefields.

Since it was Saturday we also happened on the markt on the Grote Square, and picked up some delicious fresh produce along with sausage broods and jambon/fromage sandwiches. I think the girls like that part the best! But too bad, they will be dragged along, and who knows what they will learn?!

View from the bell tower

I will add more pictures....

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