Monday, February 16, 2015

Charlotte's Birthday! 16/2/2015

So one of my new friends asked me on Saturday what we were doing for Charlottes birthday and I said nothing much. So she invited us to come over to her house for cake today at 3pm. When we arrived it turns out she was having a party for Charlotte! Four other gals we know from school and bible study were there, along with their kids. Jana  baked a beautiful cake and there were cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers,drinks, and Hershey's kisses! Kathy presented Charlotte with a flower, and perfume, and there are cards and singing! I was ready to cry. I cannot believe that this group, that we barely know, have done this lovely thing for my special Charlotte...I am truly feeling blessed by these ladies and this circumstance. We kind of celebrated all weekend...Charlotte chose pizza for dinner Saturday night, she opened gifts from NJ on Friday ( thanks cousins..the donut pants are Amazing!) and her family gifts on Sunday. We had cake and singing Sunday as well. Today we had a 6 mile birthday run with the four of us, and then the party. So hopefully Charlotte feels celebrated!
The cake Jana made, inside it is a checkerboard!
The cake I made, obviously not as skilled with my Belgian oven..note the height difference!
Charlotte and Jana

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