Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Molly's Birthday!

Well I can't blog about charlottes day and NOT about Molly's can I? I might scar them for life, cause them to not get along....oh wait, they already don't get along!! Okay, sorry, back to it...
Molly loves a party, as you know, and she had an exceptional week of them. We started on Saturday 28 February, so Jerry could celebrate before heading out to the US for the week. We sang, we played UNO, we gave gifts, we had cake and Molly loved it. Moving along, we had church on Sunday and she informed Father Lobo that her birthday was Thursday and he said he would pray for her...now that is a nice gift! Monday at concessions our friends, Keri and Kathy, wished her a good week. Tuesday we went to IKEA for a birthday lunch and stroll. Wednesday we went out to lunch in Waterloo with our friend Susannah whose birthday was Tuesday. Susannah took us to a special gourmet cupcake shop after lunch and had us each choose a cupcake to celebrate with on Thursday. That evening we attended the Dance showcase at St Johns and Molly told her many friends that "my birthday is tomorrow!" And of course they all wished her well. And the dancing was wonderful! Finally Thursday is here, her actual birthday, not that we are getting sick of it or anything :) we head to Bible Study, where Kathy has brought candles for the cupcakes and the whole beautiful group of women sing to Molly and pray for her. She is beaming! Then we have homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner and our fancy cupcakes for desert. And we give more gifts, some sent all the way from NJ. Friday morning a whipped down all the birthday signs and banners and said, in no uncertain terms, Now Your Birthday Is Over...see you next year!!

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