Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Law Enforcement Torch Run

Last week law enforcement men and women from all over the state took part in the Torch Run for Special Olympics. The torch started out in the UP and crossed the Mackinac Bridge. Molly had been invited to run the bridge but it was too rainy and windy. Once in the lower peninsula, the torch split off into 7 different runs through many of the communities throughout the state. Michigan's LETR has raised over 1Million dollars for SO, that is more than some Countries have raised! Since Molly had been blown off the bridge we wanted to try to support the torch and the runners as they came through our area. Then we got a call that the MI State Police recruits from the Lansing barracks would be running with the torch at midnight, and might we like to join them?! Heck yeah we'd like to join! So the kids went to sleep for about 90 minutes and I got to go around and wake them, in the darkness and say "let's go for a run!!" That was fun! When we arrived in Lansing the Capitol building was lit, sparkling through the light rain. We gathered at the foot of the Capitol steps while the hundred or so recruits marched in in formation then stood stock still awaiting the torches arrival. Officer Steve introduced Molly and Charlotte to the crowd and told them how pleased he was to have athletes running. I was very proud. Finally the torch arrived and after a moment of silence the torch was passed from hand to hand, each recruit having a chance to hold it. At last it was molly and charlottes turn, they head out at good speed, with the entire unit of police thundering off the Capitol steps and racing after them! We headed straight away eastward from the Capitol and continue through the MSU campus. Motorcycle officers blocking each side street as we ran. After 5 miles of brisk running we arrived at a peaking lot where the LETR RV was waiting. The recruits dropped and did 27 push-ups! It was such a great thing to be a part of!

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