Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekend with Cassie!

A beautiful fall weekend was made even more so by a visit from Cassie. She is such a joy to have in the house! Thursday nights are always tough as she readjusts to a normal bedtime, and this week was no exception. She was up 4 times and then got up around 6:45am--yikes! Good thing she is so cute! 
We played and  had a visit from Shawne Friday morning ("where's Leah?") then went for a haircut in the afternoon.
Cass was excited to sing the school bus song when the girls finally arrived home, and thrilled to have her playmates back. Leah ended up coming over to have pizza with us and run through Cassie's sprinkler. Cassie had been scared of it, but since she will follow Leah anywhere, through the sprinkler she went!
Jake handled bath and bedtime, I try to disappear when he is home so Cassie can focus on daddy. On Saturday morning played at the house, then Jerry drove Danny and Cassie out to meet jake at work. From there the three of them headed to kensington for an afternoon of fun at the farm center and nature center. They even took a hayride! I would show you pictures, but jake hasn't sent me any, he says they are on the way...sure! Cassie and I made a leaf picture, she is obsessed with glue in any form so she had a blast!
Saturday night I got to do bedtime and we had an extra long story time filled with all her favourites--The Stray Dog, Dr.Doctor, peek-a-boo baby and Sleep,Big Bear,Sleep! Jerry and all the kids went downtown to the jazz fest for some socializing and BBQ and then came back to watch the michigan game(let's not talk about it!). 
On Sunday morning Charlotte and I went to 8am boxing and then came back home and tagged molly and Jerry to go to the 10am class. Molly stayed on to do 3 classes, while Danny,Charlotte, Jerry ,Cassie and I rode our bikes downtown to the millpond playground. Fun! It was cool and sunny and wonderful to ride together. Cassie rode on her birthday scooter with her awesome new helmet. We played in the sandbox at our house until it was time to head for church. Jerry stayed home and got cass ready to go back to her other grandmothers house. Blessed to have time with her, and the joy of watching the kids with her, they are all wonderful at the job of aunts and uncle!

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