Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to school

Gorgeous weather and happy smiles for the first day of school 2014. Danny headed out first, wearing his WEB leader shirt. His job this week is to smooth the way for the little 7th graders, help them find their way to classes and answer questions. He said he was able to help a couple of kids, and he will be wearing his shirt all week so the confused can find him! Go Danny!
The girls bus arrived at 8:10. Harry and I had been hanging out with the girls when who should come skipping down the driveway but Jerry! He was teasing the girls that he was going to get on the bus with them. Ooo, was Charlotte mad, she did not want to be teased. 
I kept him off the bus and he ended up coming to church with me. We prayed for all the school kids and teachers. I hope my kids have a good year.

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