Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day weekend

Well this busy summer is drawing to a close....and in spite of my love for the staples commercial "it's the most wonderful time of the year"! I am not happy to see the kids go back to school. I love having them around and not feeling pressed for time with them. We decided to head to the lake for one more lazy summer weekend regardless of the rain being forecast. Leah, Charlotte, Harry, Buddy and I headed north around 2:30 on Thursday and arrived without incident. The sun was shining and the girls and dogs got right into the water. Mac and cheese and Home Alone and popcorn with m&m's rounded out the evening. Meanwhile Jerry, Danny and Molly headed to the CMU home opener in Mount Pleasant. Molly was very excited. And don't you know, as opposed to some big time schools, Central has free parking, 10$ tickets and free food for the alumni. Jer got the kids hotdogs,chips and sno-cones--Free! And they had a little game to try at which Molly won a cute pair of CMU socks which she hasn't removed since Thursday! Add to that a sweeping victory for the chips and you have an unqualified success! The rain fell in the early morning on Friday and by 11 it was sunny. We kayaked and swam, relocated and built a new fire pit, watched movies, played UNO and played in the sand.
Instead of lunch I took the kids for ice cream! Danny split firewood and Jerry built another bench for around the fire out of scrap wood. Repurposing as they say on HGTV! We had a big campfire in the evening after sunset swimming. Of course s'mores had to be made, and we had reg. grahams, chocolate grams and stroopwafel as the base for the gooey toasted marshmallows and Hershey's chocolate bars. The caramel filling on the stroopwafel added a delicious twist to the complete sugar rush desert! On Saturday Jerry and I made two trips to the transfer station with loads of junk from the garage and one of the mattresses from the girls room ( no date on it, but it had buttons, was made in Flint,MI and cost $29.99 with a 2 year guarantee!)  slowly but surely the de-junking continues!!
The girls and I and the  dogs arrived back in Brighton around 4:30pm Saturday and I dropped off Leah at 7. I am so glad I had a chance to spend time with her, she is such a funny and sweet kid! 
Here are some photos...

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