Saturday, August 23, 2014

Special Olympics Life!

The sun is shining and  the fields are green on this muggy Saturday morning.  We will be spending the day doing what our family loves to do, being a part of a Special Olympics event! On today's agenda is a soccer tournament, both girls will be playing and all 6 teams from Livingston County will be in action. Last Saturday our crew participated in a friendly demo game in front of a crowd of serious soccer players who were participating in a fund raising tournament for SO. All the athletes and spectators were impressed by the skill and teamwork of our SO athletes, though of course this is no surprise to me! Our athletes always work hard,play hard and encourage each other, win or lose. That is one of the many things I admire about them! To brag for a moment, Charlotte scored two goals for her team, one of them on a cross field pass from Molly--how's that for a sister act?! 
So today will be filled with friends,teammates, shin kicks, sun burn and smiles, a typical Special Olympics day,one that adds so much to our family. It's the little things that matter in the end, and as a parent, seeing my daughters in their soccer uniforms, excited to play, knowing they will have a wonderful experience at the SO doesn't get any better than this!

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