Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Celebrating Charlotte Grace!

I need to write a post about my Charlotte. What a neat kid she is! Sometimes when you are a "poor middle child", as I used to call myself, you get lost in the shuffle. Add to that Charlotte's quiet, out of the spotlight nature and her early bedtime habits and it is easy to not really see her. Well today I want you to see her!

  • Charlotte turned 20 on 2/16 and is very proud of her new young adult status. 
  • She is a wonderful dog owner to her rescue pup Buddy. When we went to the shelter I tried to call her attention to several other dogs but she would not even consider them. One look at the shaved and shivering 8lb. dog and she said "he needs me". He does need her, and she needs him: they spend a lot of time looking at things on Charlotte's computer. The other day I heard him barking the opening to Wicked...seriously!!
  • Charlotte is great with Cassie, reading her books at the table and chatting with her in the car.
  • Charlotte is a great letter writer. She composes beautiful interesting quirky letters--if you'd like her to write to you let her know! 
  • Charlotte enjoys tooling around town on her bicycle. She independently hops on and rides to the library to choose books and enjoy computer time. And she does this on her own...WOW!
  • Art is one of her talents. She entered an art contest and created a lovely collage of London, one of her favourite cities. It is on display as of today at Studio West Gallery in Brighton, and she is soo proud. And so are we! 
  • Technology does not intimidate my Charlotte. She has learned how to watch the Yankees on her computer, listen/watch her favourite videos, and burn Cd's and play music. 
  • Speaking of the Yankees, Charlotte is their BIGGEST fan! She cheers them on and more importantly, wears their gear every day. She enjoys talking to Aunt Susan about their team!
  • Charlotte is a good friend to everyone(except Molly!) and she keeps in touch with email and phone calls.
  • And I can't forget what an awesome athlete Charlotte is. She trys super hard in all her sports. She loves being coached by Michelle and PJ, and feels good when Dad calls her his best piont guard. Charlotte's newest sport is boxing! She has been to the Title Boxing Club 3 of the last 4 days to do a crazy intense 60 minute ab/core/aerobic/boxing workout. She follows all the class directions and even when the moves are tricky she works as hard as she can.      
I am a Charlotte fan, I am blessed to have her as my daughter and she daily helps me to become the person GOD meant me to be.
I Love You Charlotte!
In The D-post turkey trot!

Buckeye gear and movies-Merry Christmas!

full court press

Yankee pride and Brighton Pride too!

another awesome shirt

Charlotte's two main Yankee pals, Aunt Susan and Uncle Danny

feeding a new baby at a farm in Zoetomeer, NL

Another new hoodie! Let's hope it fires up the team!

Charlotte and her friend MaryJane Welton

Coach Michelle is my fav!

PJ!!! Let me Go, I hate it I love it!

Charlotte sharing her beautiful smile!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Back To Life...Back To Reality!

Flying home on Sunday morning...crossing 6 time zones gave me plenty of time to readjust my persona from Super tourist to Super Mom. Leaving classical music--rejoining Broadway show tunes and the Michigan Fight Song! Leaving a spotless room and turned down bed with chocolate--rejoining dog hair and laundry! Leaving full on attention to one child--moving back to meeting the needs of four kids and a little baby! In other words--real life!
Jake is home from the Army. He is out for now and looking for a job. He is living in my gorgeous newly renovated guest room downstairs and enjoying the fabulous new mattress. Though maybe not the accompanying admonishments to "keep the place clean"! I can imagine that it is both lovely and challenging to move back in with your parents-I never did. We are trying to give him a lot of love and support-building him up and stepping back to give him space, encouraging him and reminding him of what a good man he is and how much he has to contribute. Baking him cookies and sharing my pot of coffee and car. Just being the best Mom I can be.
Cassie joined us on Thursday night and we hit story time on Friday, and we both had a ball. Molly and Charlotte were both off on Thursday,Friday and tomorrow. so they joined us at the library and helped Cassie to have a great experience. We have not done anything too exciting: a family Chinese feast at our neighbors restaurant-Dragon Court, church together, games of chess for the boys, Molly and PJ had a 10.2 mile run, trips to our new fitness spot Title One Boxing,floor time with our Cassie...and on and on...
This is my real life and I feel so blessed to be in it-challenges are always present-but that just gives you a chance to be your best self!

Jake and I chaperoned Danny's class trip to the Howell Nature Center

Danny and Classmates check out a couple of falcons

Pond study involved scooping up muck and poking through it  to identify critters

Hincka Boxing Team

Heading out into the cold 4/20 day to knock out 10.2 miles! Go Molly and PJ!

my sweetie!

I see you Cookie!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Friendship-Saturday in Zoetermeer

The hotel we have been staying in is just great! Close enough to the action to here the lads singing Dutch drinking songs as the wander past on their way to the bar (just one group so it was cute!) but also easy access to the highway so we can get out of town. It is a good time to leave because the Rotterdam Marathon is Sunday and all kinds of disgusting fit people are starting to wander past, stopping unexpectedly to lean against buildings to stretch their calves. Wearing gorgeous expensive running outfits of course, because that is how "sport" is done here! We enjoyed an early morning stroll through the Saturday markt, picking up flowers, frittes, dip and sesame rings, sugar donuts and coffee. I wanted to shop more but alas , no more room in the suitcases!

Chilly and her husband enjoy the markt

oh Holland, how I love your stroopwafl

 From Rotterdam we head north east to Gouda (pronounced How-da) and spend a lovely hour or so walking around this old village.  It is a pretty little place northeast of Rotterdam, and it is everything you'd expect of a Dutch country town, with its ring of quiet canals encircling ancient buildings set amid a tangle of narrow lanes and alleys. More surprisingly, its Markt is the largest in the Netherlands, a wide and airy piazza that remains an attractive reminder of the town's prominence as a center of the medieval cloth trade, and later of its success in the manufacture of cheeses and that old Dutch favourite, the clay pipe. Gouda was granted it's city charter in 1272, can you imagine! It was a pleasure to meander around though we did not have time to tour the famous church, we peered in the doors and viewed the beautiful stained glass windows. During the reformation when Holland was turning from Catholicism to Protestant many beautiful statues,windows and altars in Catholic churches were destroyed, but the windows in St. Jans kerk were so gorgeous that even the reformationists could not bear to destroy them. The feature prominent townspeople who payed for them mixed in to religious scenes like the beheading of John the Baptist, to whom the church was dedicated when it was built.

Jerry's amazing parking job, note-no guard rail!

isn't this a cool house?

medieval village at the town lego shop!

lego replica of St. Jans kerk

kaas shop selling Gouda kaas of  course

Old City Hall at the Markt square - built between 1448 and 1450, one of the oldest Gothic city halls in the Netherlands

the city hall

this used to be a hospital, it is now a museum

statue of Erasmus who lived in Gouda

1622! and below 1896!

the windows on a cool bar

The highlight of our day was reconnecting with The Family Pronk, Machiel, Diana, Claudia and Ilse. Machiel runs the Cappelle office and was a good friend to Jerry during his assignment here last year. Claudia is one year older than Danny and Ilse is one year younger, and they all get along tremendously. Ilse had a field hockey game, one of the biggest sports here...even bigger than korfball if you can believe it! See blog archive if you are not sure what korfball is! The Dutch National Team, The Oranje, is always at the top of the world standings, and by the way Ilse played it would not be surprising if she is a member some day. The sun finally came out and we enjoyed standing outside on the field and chatting and learning about the game. Diana and Claudia cracked up every time I yelled out things in English like "Go Zoetermeer, Go Green!" I didn't do any extreme cheers, don't worry. Danny and Claudia spent some time on an empty field playing one on one and Danny learned a bit about the game. After the match was completed, victory for Ilse's team and a continued number one spot in the standings, everyone repairs to the patio area for drinks and social time. Isn't that nice? So the team and parents have a chance to establish friendships. It just seems like in the US everyone jumps in their cars with the kids and they zoom off. I enjoy the social time. We continued our visit at the latest gathering spot in Zoetermeer, The Happy Moose. This is a newly constructed Log Cabin style restaurant on the banks of a polder(small lake) with a typical Dutch menu. Kip satay, salmon, lasagna,a plain chicken dish, and a salad with optional chicken. And of course DRINKS! Jerry was happy to be able to have his one dark Belgian beer before we leave this continent. Danny taught the girls how to play Phase 10 which we had brought with them in mind. We left them the game and also Quidler, which will help them with their English. We were also invited back to the Pronk home for a coffee and a bit more visiting which was so great. Diana lost her Dad a year ago, he was sick when we first met, and we bonded over that. Jerry and Machiel talk work of course, and the kids, well they need nothing special to laugh over. To me, continuing this friendship was a highlight of the trip. When we left we drove down one way lanes between canal and farm fields to reach the highway, it was quick, but TomTom certainly expects some good driving ability, especially given the driving rain! Eventually we made it to our clean,safe hotel with free parking and a gas station with coffee right across the car park--American style! Good stuff!
Claudia and Danny

Ilse takes a short rest on her stick

The Dutch are very tall!

aren't they cute?

Ilse, Machiel and Claudia

Diana wanted to photograph us

playing cards while the grownups have coffee

Goodbye Holland!

last stop before home!