Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

Chocolate hearts on the kitchen table for the kids, Toblerone for Jerry and two little sesame street guys for Cassie. And warm banana chocolate chip muffins. It's a good day!
Then it started.....
  • Polar Plunge meeting for two hours, and then emails and phone calls all day long,
  • phone calls with Shawne re:scouts and the upcoming honor court
  • baby playing and walking and singing and reading and changing
  • dog walking and playing
  • school walking and fetching
  • Party planning for both our Friday movie party and our Saturday dance event including emails and phone calls to Mom's, helpers and guests.
  • dinner prep (chicken tacos and homemade tortilla chips!) serving and cleanup. Still have no dishwasher, but who has time to shop for a new one?!
  • bake a birthday cake!
Then it ended....And soon it was 8pm and time to settle the troops. Walk the dogs (skunk smell in the air-no Harry!) sing to the baby(favourite moment? oh yeah!) make my schedule for tomorrow so I don't forget anything! and you know what? It was a good day!!


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