Saturday, February 9, 2013

Winter Games an Amazing Success

Our room! Erin snored, but we love her anyway!
Let the Games begin!

Molly and Sgt Paine

Fabulous dining at the Grand Traverse Resort
Derrick,Charlotte, Teague,Coach Michelle,Erin and Gary

and Annie and Cam!
Everyone loves the food, especially the cream puffs!

getting ready for the rowing competition

Molly enters the competition. Chatting with Michelle in the background
is her high school track teammate, Chelsea Minnock, now a CMU student volunteer.
She was so happy to see Molly!

Molly brown noses the Area Director

Cotton eye PJ!

Helping the team warm up

Gary Joe and Charlotte stretch and get ready for time trials

Coaches photo op!

the distance runners walk the course to get mentally ready for the run!

Molly and a couple of volunteers at the My Chance to Dance program
what a blast!

ZUMBA! With Erin,Annie,Viv,Molly,Charlotte and Joe
every time I made an air Z, Joe would give his crazy loud giggle. So much fun!

Fox and Coyote hats on the sled dog demonstrators. Aren't they neat?

Annie and Charlotte visit with the Saint Bernard's who came o visit with the athletes.

Joe and Molly are enjoying the craft room

check this out- we have a banner! I know our family loves SO, and I hope our banner inspires them!

Molly and a couple of our guys who are deploying this month. they are National Guard MP's
and we thank them for their service.

Retired Sargent Major in his awesome army jacket. he has been at all the SO games since the program began in MI

Molly gave a welcome and thanks speech to the Wertz Warriors. She did a great job.
I do have it taped so if you want to see it, let me know!

more warrior fans :)

our crazy winter games contingent

COACHES! Can't touch them!

couple of the year Nick and Kel, enjoy the dance


Erin walked in the warrior entrance parade, and you can see how excited she was!

With the exception of the two soldiers up front, this unit is deploying to Afghanistan for a year.
May GOD keep them in the palm of his hand.

My snowshoe girls!

Molly is still breathing hard after a fast 400, she is the gold medalist in the State!
Charlotte took the silver, no slouch that! Good coaching!

all that good running with PJ set the girls up for victory

Will, snowshoe crew announcer for years now, and our special guy, was on hand to award Molly her medal.
He announced "And taking home the MI state gold medal, from area 27, she's a Pisces with the best birthday ever, Molly Hincka!" can you guess which day his birthday is?!

Teague and Charlotte warm up in between events

Beth, another one of our guards, hanging out and cheering on the athletes

"you wish you were a snowshoer, ooo,aaah!"

The G-plane takes off!

what a proud smile

Charlotte in the starting gate

she took off in the 200, and never looked back. she owned the race!

Molly did great, but there was no chance against Charlotte in this one

the 200 race with Sargent Paine-each girls won a gold and a silver and that is a Mom/Coaches ideal outcome!

Charlotte's pants were the talk of the finish line college volunteers!

a big hug from Paine

was this when Charlotte decided she would win the 200 later that day??!!

i led a little lobby Zumba with Joe, we had to warm up the athletes!

The End!

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