Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weekend Update!

Okay so I am no where near as funny as Seth Meyer, and I don't have Mrs.Claus or the Hostess DingDong here as guest speakers, but I will endeavor to entertain and inform as best I can!
We had a rainy, gloomy, fun, puppy-filled, churchgoing weekend!

Harry: peeing in the house has decreased in frequency...Whoot!  I still have my jumbo roll of Bounty and my pet stain and odor reducing spray bottle within arms length though! Harry has walked to and from Maltby a few times and around our neighborhood. He sometimes just sits and looks at us, as if to say "again with the walking?" but if he is in our family, he will be active :) Buddy the dog has laid down the law with some well placed snarling and snapping and the two have seemed to reach an understanding. Harry is still hoping that Buddy will play with far it is not happening.
I only got up with him once last night and he hopped right back into his crate. He is laying next to me right now, doing that cute sleep twitching and running dogs do...I love that!

Weather: Rained all weekend. Flurried a bit on Saturday morning and we hoped it would change over to snow, but it quickly went back to rain. Saturday snowshoe practice canceled and we shall see about this Monday. The ground is saturated and the only bright spot is our Christmas lights, which randomly turned on all weekend because they are set for dusk and it was that gloomy!

visiting with the star actress!

Friday evening we went to the Brighton High School production of  Dickens A Christmas Carol. Alex Wisbiski was a dancing towns person, a roll which she rocked! The scene where they danced at the accounting firms Christmas party was my favourite. The period music and dance moves provided a bright and cheery moment in a dark play. Cute moment; Leah, her 6 year old sister(my Goddaughter) was attending the show Saturday night. To prep her for it, her Mom Shawne borrowed our copy of Muppet Christmas Carol. Today when she was over at the house playing I asked her if she liked the play. She said "it was good, kinda like one I saw once with Kermit in it, but he wasn't in this one"! Love it!
Gorgeous fireplace at Calvin College
Saturday afternoon Jerry,Molly and Charlotte joined Ed,Laura and Hannah Bedner for a trip to Calvin College to visit Matt and attend his band concert. This was a professional level production with about 700 people in attendance. Wow! The band sections dressed up as different toys and the audience voted on which costumes were best. Charlotte spent the night with the Bedners,which was a thrill plus 10 for her. It was so nice of them. Danny and I shopped for his adopt a family girl, Promise, age 5, and loved picking out books,toys and clothes for her.
Danny powering up for the Darts game
Sunday afternoon Molly headed to BHS for another go at the play, this time with Karen and Eric. It was nice of them to invite her. And then after 5pm mass Molly joined the young adult ministry for a meal and chat session at Jamison's Irish Pub. Since Jerry needed to drive her, he graciously volunteered to stay at the pub, eating onion rings and Shepard's pie, and playing darts...oh the sacrifices we make for our kids! Danny tagged along, and even beat Jerry in a dart game, which was thrilling for him.
Church: Blessed are you who attend Saint Patrick Church, to be taught by such excellent spiritual leaders!The story of the Immaculate Conception was celebrated Saturday as a holy day of obligation. Danny and I went to 8, Jerry and the girls went to 10 and then Danny and I went back at 5 to fulfill our Sunday commitment. I especially appreciated Father Karl's homily in the morning. He said that GOD gave him a little prayer he says daily which is "let me not be noticed". What it means to him is if he is lifting the Lord up, and asking GOD to reveal what he needs from him that day, it will be about the Lord, not about us. I felt like it applied to my life with the girls. It is not about me, or what I am "going through". It is about helping them, whom the Lord has entrusted me with, to have happy lives. Quietly and unnoticed. Obviously this will take some work on my part :)

last but not least, we had an 8 point buck casually strolling around the yard eating pumpkins from our bowling match. Jerry texted a picture to his brother Art who replied "get a crossbow!"

So that's the update and I'm outta here!!

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